
Prime Minister: "Atameken" – is a partner whose opinion we can and must listen to"

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The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs has brought together the business community and actively protects its interests

Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Karim Massimov noted the consolidating role of NCE RK "Atameken" in the development of entrepreneurship.

"First of all, I would like to congratulate you on the fact that your organization "Atameken "- exists, it was able to unite all the entrepreneurs in the country. And now you can present the consolidated opinion to the Government, to the ministries, to Akims. I remember the recent crisis of 2008-2009, when there was great discord. And sometimes entrepreneurs, different associations put forward sometimes contradictory points of view", - said Karim Masimov at the III Congress of NCE RK " Atameken ".

"Now this issue is resolved, it is your responsibility, because you speak for all the entrepreneurs in the Government and ministries. Now we have a partner, whose opinion we can and must listen to during the further development", - added the head of the Cabinet.

The Prime Minister also noted that "at the request of the Head of State he meets regularly with entrepreneurs in this format".

"So your representatives are always present at all meetings of the Government, in all key economic meetings, where you can, on the one hand, through them you promptly deliver your point of view, on the other hand, you can inform entrepreneurs, how and what decisions are made", - said K. Massimov.

As an example of such a dialogue between the government and entrepreneurs, the Prime Minister cited the situation around the new draft Tax Code. "You have repeatedly raised the issue of the preparation and implementation of the new Tax Code. Your point of view has been heard, we asked the Head of State, he has allowed to finalize until the end of the year, taking into account the point of view of entrepreneurs, in order not to worsen the situation. I think it is merit of your suggestions, which have been introduced by the National Chamber of entrepreneurs", - said Karim Massimov.

 Zhanar Serdalina

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