
Time consuming inspections of state bodies paralyze the work of the enterprise

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An entrepreneur from Pavlodar told the Prime Minister about numerous inspections and other business issues

Member of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Pavlodar region, director of "Delica" Igor Veretnov, speaking at the III Congress of NCE RK "Atameken", said that the inspections conducted by the public authorities are one of the most pressing issues for the business community. According to him, 61 authority executes control and supervisory functions in Kazakhstan. According to law enforcement statistics, 54 thousand inspections of businesses were carried out by the regulatory authorities in 2015. Entrepreneurs are mostly audited by the tax authorities - 27 330 cases, of which 92% - in relation to small businesses. Violations were identified in 42% of cases.

"In this case, small businesses are not even classified by the degree of the risk, they are not marked as risky. A negative impact on business activity is the fact that the inspections may be extended, suspended and resumed. It is widely used in practice. Moreover, the inspections bodies can send about 20 inspectors, such number can paralyze the activities of any company", - he said.

According to the businessman, such approaches have been made possible because of the number of exceptions for the tax authorities in the Entrepreneurial Code. These "special" powers of the tax authorities create administrative barriers, have negative impact on business development. "In this regard, we ask your assistance, dear Karim, in the positive resolution of the issues on attribution of tax audits to the general procedure of inspection," - he said.

The entrepreneur also raised the question of responsibility for pseudo-entrepreneurship. According to him, today there is a critical situation in the fiscal sense between the relations of bona fide companies with pseudo-entrepreneurship. "The problem is this: not complied with the legal requirements in terms of objectivity and completeness of the study in the course of criminal proceedings in pseudo-entrepreneurship issues. As a result, bona fide entrepreneurs pay extra taxes, fines and penalties; malpractice of cancelation of registration of legal entities is used, all transactions with contractors are void and additional amounts of taxes are imposed on the counterparts", - he explained.

According to Veretnev, entrepreneurs criticize the operating mechanism of the pre-trial settlement of disputes, since it does not provide an independent approach and transparency. He stressed that the majority of decisions of the State Revenue Committee are made not in favor of entrepreneurs (in 2014 in favor of entrepreneurs was considered a total of 24% of complaints).

"It is proposed that the Ministry of Finance establishes the appellate body to review complaints on tax and customs issues with the participation of independent experts with the powers prescribed in the Tax Code. Considering the most common complaints of businessmen, it is also proposed to introduce a similar mechanism for appellate review of acts of environmental control and sanitary and epidemiological control at higher ministries", - said the entrepreneur.

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