
MSHI:with the use of the foreign experience

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Polish experts share knowledge on how to minimize the risks in the process of introduction of the mandatory social health insurance system

At the end of last year, at the invitation of JSC "Khimfarm" and investor Polpharma, the representatives of the National Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan Entrepreneurs "Atameken" paid a working visit to Poland, where health experts presented the colleagues from Kazakhstan, the health insurance system, examples of different security systems implemented in their country since the late 90's to the present time, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as discussed the reimbursement of medical services and medicines.

The Polish side expressed its readiness to visit Kazakhstan and to meet with representatives of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the RK, medical companies to exchange experiences in order to minimize risks in the period of formation and development of the mandatory social health insurance system in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

From 30th of June 30 to 1st of July 1 at the Medical University “Astana” will be held a seminar with participation of Polish experts. JSC "Khimfarm" is in charge of organization and reception of the Polish delegation, the investor of which is a Polish company Polpharma - one of the largest manufacturers of generic drugs in Europe.

The following groups will attend the workshop: leadership of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the RK, the Republican health development center, the National E-Health Center, LLP "SK-Pharmaceuticals", deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament, associations, representatives of the expert community, the private health insurance companies and large employers in the health sector.

In recent decades, the health care system of the Republic of Poland has gone through a number of reforms and currently presents a developed mechanism for public health care and medicines under the health insurance system. Kazakhstan and Poland have much in common, both in historical and economic aspects. Polish experience in the transformation of post-Soviet health care system into the European system and the introduction of compulsory health insurance will be interesting for Kazakhstan.

Information on the Polish speakers can be found here.

The program of the seminar can be found here.

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