
Bankrupt, not that one

- Almaty Region
9089 просмотров

The lawyer of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs saved the company from ruin

The story of JSC "KOMBISNAB" began in 2013, when the company entered the rehabilitation process. The company is engaged in production and sales of granulated and non-granulated mixed fodder for all species of fish, poultry and farm animals.

Despite the announced rehabilitation procedure, the appointed rehabilitation manager and two creditors asked in the court to recognize JSC as a bankrupt. According to the applicants, the obligations to the creditors are not fulfilled for a long time, the company is unable to pursue further business. The plaintiff's position was supported by the representative of the department of public revenues. But the contradictory facts were discovered during the court hearing. Thus, the representative of the labor collective A.Solokhin confirmed that 60 people work at the company, and receive monthly salaries without delay.

"Products manufactured by the company, are very popular, both in the market of Kazakhstan and in the near abroad. The company now can’t cope with the orders, that is it is possible to increase the production capacity by improving the production line, thereby increasing the profitability of the company ", - summed up the shareholder Vyacheslav An. They also found that for three years the rehabilitation procedure was carried out successfully: the company fully repaid the arrears of wages, pensions and social contributions. In addition, the productivity of the enterprise significantly raised today, which favorably affects the financial condition.

"At the court hearing was presented a sales report of the company for the period from 1 to 30 May of 2016, where the profit of the company is listed on the amount of 118 301 734 tenge, in April 2016 the profit was 124 997 917", - said the lawyer of the Chamber Dis Otashbaev.

Therefore, taking all the arguments and evidence, the court dismissed the claim of the rehabilitation manager.

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