
Altyn Sapa: One week is left before the expiration of the deadline

- Almaty Region
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15 companies of Almaty region intend to participate in the competition for the Prize of the President "Altyn Sapa" and competition-exhibition "Best Product of Kazakhstan"

Reception of documents will last until 1st of July this year. Therefore, the producers of the region still have time and a chance to become the best.

"For all participants the basic criterion of competitiveness is the quality of the products. Participation in the competition provides an opportunity for companies to become more recognizable in the market of Kazakhstan, to produce products that meet the latest international standards, and to improve the image of the company", - said the certification expert Bibigul Omarova.

According to her, at present, 15 companies have expressed their desire to participate in the competition "Altyn Sapa" and "Best Product of Kazakhstan". Among the new participants - the company "Kaynar AKB", "Dolche", "Kaz filter", ethnic-restaurant "Askar Tau". Earlier, on 16th of June at the site of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs was held a seminar at which the expert of NCE RK "Atameken" Madina Mukatova explained the procedure and methodology for evaluation of contestants.

In addition, the experts of the Chamber will advise applicants on issues of interest and will assist in the formation of package of documents. A special expert group is also created, which will deal with the analysis of activity of the enterprises and will determine the participants and winners of the regional stage of the competition. And as part of the expert group, Deputy Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs for Economic Affairs Aset Shayakhmetov, chief specialist of the department of the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the MID RK in Almaty region Gulmira Abdrasilova, Head of the department of the industry of the Office on entrepreneurship and industrial development Meiramgul Shakirova, director of the Almaty regional branch of the State Enterprise "KazInSt" Maria Zhetybaeva, a leading specialist of the branch of the State Enterprise "Republican veterinary laboratory", the expert auditor of LLP "Taldykorgan Center of certification and expertise" Dmitri Vorobiev and expert of LLP "Bread baking plant "Aksai" Nazgul Zhakaeva.

Last year 32 companies of the region participated at the regional stage of the competition. The winners of the regional competition were awarded with diplomas and money certificates for the amount of 100 300 thousand tenge. And on the national stage of the competition-exhibition "Best Product of Kazakhstan" in the nomination "The best food product" won LLP "Rybprom". Laureate of the Prize of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa" in the category "The best enterprise producing goods for the population" was the company "Agro Bayserke".

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