
"Eternal" PVC pipes are produced in Astana

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The unique molecular plant production technology has no analogues in the CIS

LLP "Moletech Astana" was launched in February, but the plant is planning to work at full capacity as of September. The factory produces PVC pipes for cold water supply and sanitation. The company uses the revolutionary technology borrowed in Spain in its manufacture. "This is a unique production, the first and only in the CIS. These pipes are characterized by the fact that they are very cheap and at the same time of good quality. Their mechanical properties are very high. However, these pipes are very easy to use and to install", - noted the director of the plant Aibek Omuraliev.

According to him, molecular technology lies in the fact that due to the heat treatment, inflating the blank, the chaotic PVC molecules are converted to a specific grid, resulting in very high physical and mechanical properties of a product. "Regular PVC pipes are very fragile, break on impact. These tubes can’t be broken. Figuratively speaking, you can tie them in a knot and untie again. We can say that these pipes are everlasting. There is sealing rubber attached to the pipe, which are designed to last 100 years. After 100 years it is possible to change the sealing rubber and the pipe can are ready to serve again", - added Omuraliev.

If we talk about markets, the plant is primarily focused on Kazakhstan, but, given the uniqueness of the product, it is clear that it will be in demand in other countries. "The basic direction - is Central Siberia and the entire Central Asia. We also plan to export to the Caucasus, the Caspian region, as well as to China", - said the head of "Moletech Astana".

The project was partially funded by private investors - 1.5 million euros, the basic amount of about 9 million euros was issued under the program of Development Bank of Kazakhstan "Productivity 2020".

The plant "Amiteh Astana” for production of GRP pipes was also funded by DBK under the state program of industrial development, and launched in 2005. This year, the plant produced more than 7 km of pipes worth over 5 million USD. Since the launch of the production, the plant has produced about 900 km of pipes of different diameters, not only for the domestic market of Kazakhstan, but also for export to neighboring countries - Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, etc.

Pipes under the brand Flowtite are used for water mains networks, sewage, pressure pipelines of GES, in irrigation and irrigation systems around the world, basically, they are made for the needs of utilities, mining, oil refining, chemical and other industries.

The smooth inner surface, excellent resistance to abrasion, absolute corrosion resistance and a wide range of diameters - this is a small list of the benefits of Flowtite GRP pipes compared to its analogues.

According to the director of the plant Ulan Sarsenkulov, the project was funded by more than 10 million USD. It is one of the most successful projects of DBK. "In 2010, we closed the loan ahead of schedule. In 2011, our factory received the award "Altyn Sapa" the Prize of the President of Kazakhstan”, - he added.

According to the deputy director of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Astana Almat Dzhunusov support of domestic producers is a task #1 for NCE RK "Atameken". "Now we are actively working in the field of procurement. Today in Astana jointly with the Akimat we have created a commission to support domestic producers and on monitoring of local content. They included representatives of business, akimat, prosecutor's office, the State Revenue Department. Similar commissions we have set up with the participation of quasi-public sector at the fund "Samruk-Kazyna". As part of this work, we see how can enable import substitution", - he said.

In order to support domestic producers, NCE holds annual competitions “Altyn Sapa" and "Best Product of Kazakhstan". "This year in Astana we stop accepting applications on 1st of July. Every year in December, the President of Kazakhstan presents awards to the winners", - added Dzhunusov.

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