
What is the percentage of Kazakhstani residents that became poorer in 2015?

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The issue of poverty is one of the main problems of socio-economic development of all countries of the world

There are different approaches to quantify poverty. In Kazakhstan the poverty level is defined by the minimum consumer basket. According to the methodology of the Kazakh Statistics Committee, it refers to the poor people, those whose income, used for consumption is below the subsistence level in percentage to the total population. The threshold for poverty is set 40% of the subsistence level (9144 tenge).

According to the Kazakh Statistics Committee, the poverty level in Kazakhstan is significantly decreasing. So, since 2010 the country's poverty rate fell from 7% to 3% in 2015. This, considering that in 2015 there was a significant decrease in household income and, in principle, the overall economic situation of the country leaves much to be desired.

The World Bank dominates by authority in the estimates of poverty at the international level, which is based on multiple criteria of income. From 1981 until 2004, poverty was considered income "of 1 USD per day". At present, the threshold of poverty level for countries with economies in transition is defined income at 4 USD per day, and the level of poverty 2 USD per day.

If we take the World Bank's criteria, the poverty rate in the country was 16.1% by the end of 2014. The devaluation in 2015 led to the fact that the poverty rate has significantly increased and reached the level of 2012. Given that in Kazakhstan the prices of consumer goods and services largely depend on the exchange rate of tenge to the dollar, which is confirmed by a monthly rate of inflation, the impact of exchange rates on the level of poverty in the country can be attributed to a direct factor.

If we compare the results of 2015, compared to the year 2014, the proportion of the population that can be attributed to the poor, increased by 11.2%, and the poverty rate has increased by 3.5%.

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