
Grants – to young and enterprising youth

- Karaganda Region
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An entrepreneur Aidana Kaugabaeva has recently started her own business – design of national clothes and paraphernalia

After addressing to the branch of the Chamber of entrepreneurs in Osakarovsk  district, she received help with compliance of  a business plan, the consultants helped her to collect the necessary documents. A few days ago she received a grant of akim in the amount of 300 000 tenge.

Presentation of the certificate took place in a festive atmosphere - during the VI Forum of youth of Osakarovsk district. Akim of the region Kayrat Shayzhanov thanked in his speech, the youth of the region, make an important contribution to its development. This year was announced competition for the "Grant of akim on the support and development of youth entrepreneurship in rural areas". He presented two certificates at the forum - Aidana Kaugabaeva and Aibat Torbaev, who is engaged in the production of paving slabs and block stones.

Aibat intends to spend the grant on the development of the enterprise.

"My company has produced up to this point cinder blocks. But I want to contribute to the improvement of our village. And I plan to to buy equipment for manufacturing of paving slab, block stones. I hope that soon the village area and pedestrian walkways will be decorated with the products of our plant ", - said the young entrepreneur.

Aidan is engaged in revival of national crafts - wedding decoration, dowry for brides, blankets with national ornaments. She intends to spend the grant amount on the expansion of the plant and start to sell handmade staff outside the district.

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