
Industrial alpinism need clear laws

- City of Astana
12128 просмотров

In Astana with the support of the Metropolitan Chamber of Entrepreneurs was held an international "round table" on the theme "Industrial safety. Occupational safety when working at height"

Experts of the regional chamber, NCE RK "Atameken", LLP “”, representatives of state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakh and Russian organizations conducting studies in the field of occupational health and safety, manufacturers of personal protective equipment, enterprises engaged in industrial and construction areas discussed a number of issues related to the need for legal regulation of industrial alpinism and work at height.

Deputy Director of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Astana Almat Dzhunusov noted that today the safety at height in the Republic of Kazakhstan is not properly regulated by the national legislation, thus, the industrial alpinism in Kazakhstan remains without adequate supervision of the state. This fact negatively affects the quality of work at height and entails tragic cases.

"This vital issue requires immediate decision, therefore, it has been systematized by the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Astana and submitted to the head office of NCE RK "Atameken". Certain regulations are available, but most of them need an update, additions, taking into account recent technologies of work at the height. The international "round table" was a continuation of work that we have started to study the international experience to solve this problem", - said Almat Dzhunusov.

Director of the Department of Small and Medium Business NCE RK "Atameken" Kayr Ibraev, speaking during the international "round table", proposed the creation of the Association of Industrial alpinism - a body that will represent the common interests of this business.

"The market of industrial alpinism is about 1 billion tenge. This is already the industry. This is the economic component of our state. We would like to resolve it. There are 8-10 companies in Kazakhstan that are willing to provide such services. We will support them", - said Kayr Ibraev.

He also stressed that Mazhilis of RK studies a document developed by the Ministry of Investment and Development, which stipulates the establishment of common safety rules in this area.

The participants of the "round table" noted the need to introduce a mandatory specialized training to safety rules when working at height. Today, according to them, schools are not ready to provide quality educational services in this area, as there is no curriculum, teaching materials, certified instructors, etc. They stressed the importance of the training of professionals involved in the work at height, as it affects their lives.

Following the meeting, the chief organizer of the event the company “”, which renders services in the field of industrial alpinism, signed the Declaration "On industrial safety and labor protection at height" with the Moscow training center "Professional", which works by unified regulatory framework for work at height in Russia.

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