
"Road Map of Employment-2020": an excellent opportunity to open and to expand business

- North-Kazakhstan Region
11675 просмотров

3 million tenge under the program "Road Map of Employment - 2020" on the expansion of car service business

An individual entrepreneur from G. Musrepov district of NKR Sultan Kushekov received the financial support in the form of a loan.

He spent the money on the reconstruction of the building, where the service station was located and purchased the necessary equipment. After the expansion of business, and, therefore, increase of the turnover, Kushekov required additional labor, so he hired another employee. In short, the financial support within the “Road Map of Employment 2020” bears fruit. Managers of the District Business Support Center assisted the businessmen with getting a loan and transformation of the production site, they provided all the necessary assistance in developing a business plan and collecting documents. However, experts have found inaccuracies in the land registration certificate, which were then corrected.

The consultants of the branch of the Business Support Centre in the district of G. Musrepov escorted 10 projects of entrepreneurs. Businesspeople with their assistance received loans totaling nearly 23 million tenge, which opened or expanded their business and created new jobs.

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