
NCE RK "Atameken" and the party "Nur Otan" party signed a memorandum

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The parties agreed to work together to improve the competitiveness and development of entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan

General organization and conduction of information campaigns among the people of Kazakhstan on the main provisions of the Plan of the Nation and the Address of the Head of State, the joint preparation of proposals to improve legislation with the help of the political party "Nur Otan" in the Mazhilis, the bilateral consultations on the development of entrepreneurship - are just some of the goals included in the memorandum.

On behalf of "Nur Otan" the document was signed by the first deputy head of the Party Mukhtar Kul-Muhammed, on behalf of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" – the Chairman of NCE RK Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

Among other equally fundamental problems in the memorandum, the exchange of analytical information about issues of business development, as well as the joint preparation and implementation of projects to increase the number of active entrepreneurs, especially in rural areas. "Atameken" and "Nur Otan" also agreed to conduct public control over the quality of the public services, which are rendered to entrepreneurs. In addition, under the dual attention and evaluation will be the implementation of state and government programs, as well as the targeted use of budgetary funds.

In addition, the memorandum envisages the participation of NCE RK "Atameken" in the development of normative legal acts and other documents which affect the interests of businesses. The contacts of "Nur Otan" with the Chambers of entrepreneurs in the regions, the cities of national significance and the capital will become more intensive.

"There are programs: "Business Road Map "," Agribusiness "," Employment Road Map" to 2020, and all of these programs are directly related to the activities of NCE RK "Atameken". Nevertheless, we always worked without signing of this memorandum, we had lots of joined activities this year. But in order for our work to be more systematic and coordinated, we decided to sign a separate memorandum and to define clearly guidelines, connect the regional party organizations", - stressed the importance of today's event, Mukhtar Kul-Muhammed.

"The agreement provides control over the expenditure of funds, and, most importantly, that these programs led to the support of bona fide domestic entrepreneur. And we hope that with the help of "Nur Otan", we will be able to carry out effectively explanatory work in the region, to achieve our goals together with the party", - summed Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

Zhanar Serdalina

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