
The fruits of dual education

- North-Kazakhstan Region
9945 просмотров

After school - the best workers of enterprises

Not every genius is capable of making such a breakthrough. Therefore, students of universities, colleges and other educational institutions are trying not to miss the chance to acquire useful skills when they are given the opportunity to reinforce the theoretical knowledge in practice.

"Employers require from graduates the result at the time of their employment. However, even with the good theoretical training, which can give a higher education institution, experts without skills, without the knowledge of work in the actual production, can’t take quick and correct technological and managerial decisions. There is a paradox that with a shortage of personnel, many graduates can’t find work, or work not by occupation, because they lack the skills", - says the expert of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of NKR Svetlana Tsupko.

North Kazakhstan State University has found a way out of this situation. The university signed a tripartite memorandum with Petropavlovsk Engineering College and JSC "Petropavlovsk Heavy Engineering Plant". Thanks to the document, 12 students of NKSU passed practice in the workshops of the college. They learned the basic skills of a turner, and by the results of the qualifying examination were given the rank 3. "We understand that in a production environment it is not always possible to organize student learning: it is necessary to allocate the equipment, to designate a mentor, etc. We are lucky that a new project of manufacturing practices is introduced for our course. At high school we get academic knowledge, but a good engineer, I believe, has to master the production process technology from inside. We all plan after university to work by chose occupation, and skills of work on machine tools are very useful in the future when solving any production problems", - shared his opinion the student NKSU Almas Aidarkhanov.

According to university professors, program practices, which forces learning how to use specialized equipment, cutting tools, is most useful for students. In addition to manufacturing, they work under the guidance of experienced masters on universal lathes. All this will surely increases the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market after graduation.

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