
Unlimited business opportunities for people with strong spirit

- North-Kazakhstan Region
10131 просмотров

A resident of Novomikhaylovka village Kutishchev Maxim addressed to the Mamlyut branch of the Chamber of entrepreneurs, asking  to help with organization of own business

"I am 23 years, I am disabled person of 3 group, it is difficult to find a job in the village. I learned about sstate lending programs at the Business Support Centre during a seminar. I decided to resort to the program "Roadmap of Employment-2020". At the BSC they explained to me in detail about the priority directions and offered a choice of several projects for the opening of the business. Since I grew up in the village, animal husbandry is my type of thing", - says Maxim Kutishchev.

Young people have been trained under the project "Business Advisor", after which he opened IE "Max". Consultants of BSC helped him to develop a business plan and to assemble a package of documents for the loan. A loan in the amount of 1.8 million tenge was approved. With this money he bought the 8 heads of cattle and milking machine. After buying cows young man signed a contract with the purchasers of milk.

According to the director of the branch of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs in NKR in Mamlyut District Nina Vasilenko, in 2016 nine experts of the branch of RCE helped residents to start business in the field of animal husbandry. Businessmen have received loans totaling more than 10 million tenge. "Young people become more interested in the state business support programs. And we, in turn, fully support this interest, help to find their economic niche, to stand up and to receive income", - she said.

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