
All the problems can be resolved

- North-Kazakhstan Region
12241 просмотров

Within the line of business protection about 800 applications were submitted to the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the North Kazakhstan region for the period of its activity, more than 120 of them were received in the first quarter of this year

A quarter of complaints is related to the tax aspects, others relate to land issues, architecture and construction, and the rest - to the relationship with the natural monopolies, disputes between entrepreneurs, licensing and procurement.

"In general, within the line of business protection the National Chamber received more than 2 million appeals in the first quarter of 2016. The main topics are related to taxes, land relations and procurement. In addition, by the results of the work carried out by the lawyers of the National Chamber the property rights of business were protected in the amount of about 33 billion tenge", - said director of the department of legal protection of entrepreneurs NCE RK "Atameken" Oleg Savelenko during the reporting meeting with the North Kazakhstan businessmen, which was held with the participation of the Business Ombudsman Bolat Palymbetov.

In addition, the problems with which businessmen often turn, on the initiative of the regional chamber, are incorporated in the Register of Problems of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs. Director of the department of public monitoring and work with administrative barriers NCE RK "Atameken" Erbol Ustemirov explained: "At the initiative of the North-Kazakhstan Chamber 17 systemic problems were included in the Register, of which 11 have been resolved, others - at the stage of the decision. This project, launched in February 2014, is publicly available on the website of NCE - During the operation about 380 systemic problems were included in it, 70% of them have been solved".

At a meeting with the Commissioner for the Protection of the rights of businessmen gathered about 90 businessmen. Many of them at the reporting forum and during the reception privately told about the difficulties and challenges faced in the normal course of business.

Add in the course of his working visit to North Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov met with the head of the region Yerik Sultanov and regional prosecutor Stepan Zaytlerom. The main topic of discussion during these visits was the support of the business.

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