

- North-Kazakhstan Region
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You can be a driver and a livestock breeder simultaneously. A businessman from Mamlyut District is sure of this. He boldly discovers new business capabilities in himself

It is a resident of the village Andreevka Kuanish Karazhumanov. For over 10 years he is engaged in passenger transportation and owns two buses. His services are particularly in demand in remote villages and hamlets. Last year, he greatly expanded his business by buying the bus station in Mamlyut district. When preparing documents for the building, the businessman had trouble with organization of sanitary technical zone. However, the expert the district branch of the Chamber of entrepreneurs helped him to eliminate it.

Later Karazhumanov again addressed to the consultants of BSC. It turned out that he has long been attracted to the idea to try his hand in other business. "I had an idea to breed sheep of fat-tailed breed, because the meat of this species is very popular among the local population, that is, there is a demand. The program "Road Map of Employment 2020" helped me to implement this idea, - says the businessman. Staff of BSC, of course, supported his enthusiasm, helped with the collection of documents and the development of the business - plan. The entrepreneur got a loan in the amount of 3 million tenge. With this money he bought 8 horses and sheep fat-tailed breed, as well as hired two family member, thus creating two jobs.

"Kuanysh Karazhumanov – is an example for all entrepreneurs of the district. Starting business with the provision of passenger transport services, he brought it to perfection. However Kuanish Yermekovich does not plan to rest on laurels and has opened a new trend, though, it is time-consuming, as livestock breeding. I have no doubt that it will be successful ", - said director of BSC in Mamlyut District Nina Vasilenko.

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