
How much does an alternative way to deliver cargo from Ukraine to Kazakhstan cost?

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NCE informs entrepreneurs about the results of the preliminary analysis of an alternative route through the ports of the Black and Caspian Seas.

Preliminary estimate Information of the cost of transportation of goods via trans-Caspian route for all the participants of foreign economic activity.

Beginning of the route Ukraine (Illichivsk port) - Georgia (Poti / Batumi)

Fee for transportation and authorization forms:

Authorization form to get a permission to transport cargo from Ukraine to Kazakhstan - 3 MCI - 6363 tenge (about 20 USD);

The cost of the ferry:

Ferry Ilyichevsk (Ukraine) - Poti / Batumi (Georgia) - from 1000 to 2690 US dollars + additional payment of 90 USD;



Port Ilyichevsk - Poti / Batumi

Sea freight rates for transportation of trucks with driver on the routes Ilyichevsk - Batumi / Poti, Batumi / Poti - Ilyichevsk on motor ship "Greifswald", on motor ship "Vilnius Seaways" and motor ship "Kaunas Seaways" from 15.06.2016

Name of cargo

freight rate

Ilyichevsk - Batumi / Poti


Batumi / Poti - Ilyichevsk


Loaded Truck 




An empty truck




Alcohol and alcohol-containing technical fluids




Alcoholic beverages (except wine and beer), cognac products




Compressed and liquefied gases




Batteries, aerosols, chemical cargoes, acid and so on. Dangerous goods








Live animals




Loads of 1class hazard IMO





a) The rates are applied for lorries weighing up to 44 tons, a length of 13-22 m, width up to 2.6 m, height 4.5 m.

b) Freight rates include terminal fees at the ports of loading and unloading, the connection to the onboard power supply of the ferry (for loads with a controlled temperature regime).

c) Cargo for military purposes, as well as cars and other rolling equipment in excess of the specified dimensions and weight restrictions is transported by a separate agreement and at the contractual rate.

d) Cargo and vehicles must be accompanied by all the necessary documents for customs.

e) On the route Ilyichevsk - Batumi / Poti, it is necessary to pay the fare and money for the meal of one driver in the amount of 90 USD. On the route Batumi / Poti - Ilyichevsk the freight rates include transportation and meal for one driver. Sitting of drivers is based on the available passenger seats at the discretion of the administration of the ferry.

2 ferries run 2 times a week - Wednesday and Friday. The total capacity of the ferry - 85 trucks.

The average time of transition via the route Ilyichevsk to Poti / Batumi 30 hours.

Land crossing area: Georgia (Poti / Batumi) - Azerbaijan (Baku)

Fee for transportation and authorization forms:

Authorization form to get a permission to transport cargo through the territory of Azerbaijan - 3 MCI - 6363 tenge (about 20 USD);

The fee for the use of roads in Georgia when transiting - 200 lari (about  110 USD);

The fee for the use of roads in Azerbaijan – from 20 to 280 USD, depending on length of stay on the territory and weight capacity of a vehicle;

Ferry: Azerbaijan (Baku) - Kazakhstan (Aktau)

The cost of the ferry:

Ferry Baku (Azerbaijan) - Aktau (Kazakhstan) - 1,200 USD;

Port charges at the port of Baku - about 140 USD;

Port charges and preparation of paperwork in Aktau port - about 160 USD.


Port Baku

Currently, there are 11 regular ferries running between Baku and Aktau with a capacity of up to 35 trucks and 2 Ro-Ro vessels with cargo capacity of 28 and 52 cars (in the port of Aktau, there are difficulties with the reception of Ro-Ro vehicles, due to technical non-compliance of the ferry pier).

Loading of ferry is carried on the basis of occupancy.

Rates of sea freight for truck transportation in the direction Baku - Aktau is about 1,200 USD + port charges around 140 USD.

Frequency depends on load and weather conditions on the sea.

Average time of sea crossing from Baku to Aktau 18-20 hours.

Currently, the ferry complex takes 6 (7) ferries per week (the potential of the ferry complex is 10-11 ferries per week). The rate of processing of a passenger ferry in the port of Aktau is 10-12 hours, actually a ferry can be processed within 6-7 hours, freight ferries are processed within 8-10 hours.

Processing of one ferry on average 6:00: unloading - 1.5-2 hours, loading 1.5-2 hours, the rest of the time: mooring, channel release, etc.).

Port Aktau

One bill is issued in the port of Aktau with details of port services because these services have different units of measure:

fee for charging/discharging works with the use of forces and means of the client (transshipment) at a rate of 314.93 tenge per 1 ton of physical load (an average of 30 tons);

Fee for issuance of a loading / unloading order at a rate of 5117.39 tenge per 1 set of a loading order to one address;

Service charge for maintenance and registration of documents for imported goods, arriving ferries and transit through the port of Aktau in the amount of 35,000 tenge per unit of a motor vehicle (from 5th of March 2016.);

Making a bill of lading (for exports) - 3200 tenge.

The average fee for 1 commercial vehicle under the Tariffs of the port is about 55,000 tenge.

Storage of 1 unit of wheeled equipment on the territory of the port - 3220 tenge per day;

Total additional costs for the alternative route range from 2900 to 4500 US dollars.

Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Dana Zhunusova reported that currently NCE together with KazATO (Union of International Kazakhstan Road Carriers) is conducting additional analysis and timing of the Trans-Caspian route for the preparation of more detailed information on alternative ways of delivering goods with an indication of the distance of the route, travel time in each area, the customs controls at border crossings, etc.

Exhaustive timing information will be available on the official website of NCE RK "Atameken" in the public domain for the use of entrepreneurs, whose activities are related to the organization and delivery of goods from Ukraine to Kazakhstan.

NCE appeals to all entrepreneurs and asks in case of identification of barriers on the Trans-Caspian route to send all the detailed information in an official letter to NCE RK "Atameken".

The route of delivery of goods from Ukraine to Kazakhstan in transit through the territory of Russia

It should be recalled that the decree of the President of the Russian Federation number 319 dated by 1st of July this year authorizes import of goods, the rate of customs duty of which within the Common Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union is zero percent.

In this respect, when entrepreneurs decide to import goods through the territory of Russia, first of all, they must classify the imported goods by the customs commodity code and then determine the size of the rate of import duty.

In the event that the rate of imported goods is equal to 0% within the Common Customs Tariff of EAEU, then such goods can come from Ukraine in transit through the territory of Russia. (,

"Currently, zero rate within CCT of EAEU applies to 1908 products, 80 of which on an interim basis", - explained the director of the Department of Economic Integration NCE RK Indira Sadvakasova.

Zero customs duties within CCT of EAEU: Engineering - 1103 items; Agribusiness and food industry - 161 items; Chemical industry - 159 items; Base metals and articles thereof - 120 items; Vehicles - 111 items; Light industry - 46 items; Mineral products - 31 items; Woodworking - 21 items; Precious stones and non-precious stones - 11 items; other manufactured goods - 144 items.



Department of economic integration of NCE RK conducted an analysis of imports in 2015 from Ukraine to Kazakhstan. Information about goods imported at a zero rate of customs duty from Ukraine to the Republic of Kazakhstan, represented in the picture below.

In respect of goods, which are allowed for import, is applied the previous order of import through the Belarusian section of the outer boundary of the EAEU with the mandatory use of seals on the basis of the GLONASS system.

As reported Atameken, currently, for import of goods to Kazakhstan via land routes, the country of origin and departure of which is Ukraine, were defined railway and auto points of transition at the outer edge of EAEU and on state borders between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan.

On the Belarusian-Ukrainian section:

Railway checkpoints:

Terekhovka (Schors) - Gomel

Gorin (Udritsk) - Brest region

Slovechno (Vystupovichi) - Gomel region

Auto crossing points:

Novaya Guta (Novie Yarylovichi) - Gomel region

Novaya Rudnya (Vystupovichi) - Gomel region, Elski District

Mokrani (Domanova) - Brest region

Upper Terebezhov (Mound) - Brest region

Aleksandrovka (Vilcha) - Gomel region

Mokhro (Dolsk) - Brest region

On the Belarusian-Russian site the railway checkpoints:

Sorting station Smolensk, Smolensk Zadneprovsky customs checkpoint;

Auto crossing: Krasninsk customs post of Smolensk customs

On the Russian-Kazakh section:

railway crossing point: Station Ozinki of RF / Kazakhstani checkpoint "Zhaiyk".

Auto crossing points: "Mashtakovo", Samara custom RF / checkpoint "Syrym" in the West Kazakhstan region; "Bugristoe", Chelyabinsk customs / "Kairak", located in the Kostanai region.

The Presidential Decree #1 dated by January 1, 2016 approved the procedure for the import of goods from the territory of Ukraine to the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to which the transportation of freight by vehicles and railway transport shall be subject to the use of seals, functioning on the basis of technology GLONASS. And it is a mandatory requirement for all vehicles (cars, railway carriages), the following from the territory of Ukraine to the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Seals should be installed (removed) at the entrance (exit) to the territory of the Russian Federation, at the expense of the sender or the consignee. Also, drivers of vehicles when entering the territory of the Russian Federation must obtain registration vouchers that they pass to the Federal Service for Transport Supervision. If the driver has violated the order (removal) of the application of seals on the basis of the GLONASS system, a registration voucher is recognized as void.

Meanwhile, as it was explained at NCE RK, installation and removal of seals on vehicles and railway carriages is executed under the following conditions:


1. Signing a contract with LLP "ITS" for rent of GLONASS seals;

2. Payment for rent of seals - 944 rubles for each day of the lease and the introduction of collateral payment of  59,000 rubles for each GLONASS seal. In case of its damage or loss, the collateral payment is not returned;

3. At the request of the lessee at the stations Smolensk-sorting and Ozinki representatives of JSC "Russian Railways" install or remove GLONASS seals.

The contact details of LLP "ITS" for more detailed information on the conditions of signing a contract:


Limited Liability Partnership


"Intelligent Transport Systems" ( "ITS" Ltd)


190005, Saint - Petersburg, 118, naberezhnaya Obvodnogo kanala, building 17 A, office 2H part 1. E-mail:

Tel.: 8 (812) 415-40-34, 8 (812) 415-40-44

Information about installation of GLONASS seals on vehicles

In the immediate vicinity of the automobile checkpoint of Krasninsk customs post of Smolensk customs point there is center for rent of seals "IPK" Strazh". Drivers after receiving GLONASS seals in the presence of an official of Federal Service for Supervision of Transport should set the seals on vehicles.

Payment of rent for seals on vehicles is 944 rubles for each day of lease and down payment of collateral in the amount of 30,000 for each GLONASS seal. In case of its damage or loss, down payment is not refunded.

Moreover, by the decision of the customs checkpoints, customs escort can be further applied for vehicles, on which are set seals on the basis of the system GLONASS. And the rates for customs escort depend on the mileage from 2 thousand to 6 thousand Russian rubles. For example, Kazakh businessmen for transportation of goods from Ukraine to Kazakhstan from Smolensk to Kostanay will have to pay about 25 thousand rubles.

More information and explanations on the cargo transport from Ukraine to Kazakhstan can be obtained from the Department of Economic Integration NCE RK "Atameken", by sending a request by e-mail: or by contacting the Union of International Road Carriers (KazATO) by phone: 8-7272 -50-92-94, info @

When KazATO also opened a hot line for transportation of goods from Ukraine, including trasit through Ukraine to Kazakhstan:

8 (727) 292 0226,  8 (727) 292 2345, 8 (727) 292 86 62

8777 214 0967, 8 707  200 00 74, 8 777  217 4304.


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