
When a hobby becomes a profession

- Pavlodar Region
9009 просмотров

Much has been done, but more needs to be done, the main thing is to put a goal and work hard towards its achievement - this is the main motive of the young and promising entrepreneur from Aksu Vladimir Geleverya.

"Kulibin" from Aksu is the director of the company for the production of industrial gas detection instrument. It should be noted that only two companies in Kazakhstan produce it, one of which - the brainchild of Vladimir Geleverya. He called his device "GK-Veter", which is a one-component system for measuring the oxygen content in the flue gas of thermal power units. The use of such devices allows thermal power stations to reduce significantly fuel consumption and reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

This year, LLP "Pravikom" for the first time took part in the regional competition-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" and took the III place in nomination "The best industrial goods".

The pioneer of Kazakhstan's production of gas detection equipment said how he turned his hobby into a profession and made profits of his skills.

- Vladimir, tell us what motivated you to set up a business?

- Most likely, the result itself. First of all, we wanted to prove ourselves that we can too. Not someone did it somewhere, but we did it with our own hands. There is a saying: a place where you are born, is a place where you are needed. To be honest, we had a great desire - not just to build a business and to make money, adjusting to certain circumstances, but to build a company that with its actions could benefit the native region in the first place.

- How it all began, and what is - gas analyzers and why they are needed?

- The company started in February 2013, and in a relatively short period of time we received the status of the domestic producer because of our development - oxygen analyzer "GK-Veter". At first, we assembled the first two sets of the gas analyzers that measure oxygen content. We did it at home on a voluntary basis and we have analyzed a huge amount of information, both on the Internet and in books. The main priorities in the development of production are simplicity of design and cheap price - quality equipment. The name came to mind immediately. The device measures oxygen, and therefore, it was named "GK-Veter" (gas analytical complex "Veter").

- What are the first results, and how popular is the device at the market?

- After successful testing of "GK-Veter" at the enterprises of the cities of Aksu and Pavlodar, we can safely say that we have managed to create a simple, unpretentious and, most importantly, is resistant to aggressive media analyzer. Its main advantages is a continuous mode of operation of the oxygen analyzer, instant response to changes in the gas, the ability to produce results through digital and current channels, long-life. There are no mechanical moving parts, it is resistant to the high temperatures, it is compatible with the equipment units and is easy to install and maintain. Therefore, they say: everything genius is simple.

There is demand. Type of our equipment is used in many thermal power plants. We are the pioneers in the production of this kind of measurement equipment in Kazakhstan. Our analyzer is a novelty, besides we have almost finished to design a new multi-component device. However, it should be noted that this niche of the domestic market is occupied by the Russian and European producers of equipment. Many Kazakhstani enterprises are mainly equipped with foreign devices, although our analyzer has a competitive price. It is much cheaper, while the quality is not inferior to imported ones, and in some ways even surpasses them.

- Did you participate in the previous competition-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" and the competition "Altyn Sapa", in your opinion, what does it give to an entrepreneur?

- This year we participated for the first time in the regional round of the competition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" and took the third place, that was unexpected, since other participants were very strong. First of all, it's a shake-up in terms of motivation, we see only advantages for business. We are not going to stop our development. We will expand the range of devices and to increase production. We hope for cooperation and advancement of our products on the Kazakhstani market. For three years we have learned a lot, gained experience. Now you we need to work safely and to carry out our ideas.

- Give one advice to budding entrepreneurs.

- There will be difficulties, it is life, but you must adapt to them. A businessman must be in a constant search, never stop, and always strive for more. It is necessary to overcome all fears, to put priorities and to move forward aggressively. It is difficult, but doable.

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