
Ecologically clean, but not fully diversified

- Karaganda Region
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Lack of fertilizers turned as a positive factor for the farmers of the Karaganda region

In light of the growing demand for environmentally friendly products worldwide, the Kazakh farmers are in a favorable position. This was stated by Vladimir Skoblikov, the Head of the Laboratory of the National Production Center of Grain Farming named after A. Barayev at the seminar in Osakarov district within the frames of the program on training of agricultural producers.

"If we had suffered that we do not have enough pesticides earlier, the plants were suffocated by weeds, there were hardly any fertilizers, then now it is good - we have little pesticides and excellent products. There is a huge demand for organic products in the West. What is the difference between organic produce and environmentally friendly produce? Environmentally friendly products are checked when they are ripened and experts give the conclusion that it is not harmful. And organic products are distinguished by certification, literally everything is certified from the means of production, equipment, field, soil for the presence of harmful substances, storage, cleaning - all under the control of the certifiers. Through this procedure, the organic products are 20-30% more expensive", - he explained the expert.

In addition, the country has a special status in the world in terms of production of high-quality and strong grain – no one else grows as much grain. It contains 16-17% protein and 45% of gluten. This is a high quality product, says V. Skoblikov, adding that in the Mediterranean Exchange trades grain with an average protein content of 12%, which among "our farmers is considered a forage grain of 5th grade".

Along with the distinctive factors, there is a number of problems that make it difficult for agriculture to develop in the country. In particular, the theme of the seminar was devoted to the problem of diversification of agriculture. Specialists of the National Production Center of Grain Farming drew attention to the extremely weak diversification not only in the Karaganda region, but also in the whole country. Up to 80% of the structure of the sown areas of Kazakhstan falls on crops. Despite the slight decrease in the proportion, farmers cautiously try new directions - oilseeds and fodder crops. The expert recalled that in 2013, it is impossible to grow a monoculture, you need variety. If, until recently, a huge part of subsidies was channeled to grain production, now they are re-allocated to oilseeds, vegetables, potatoes, as well as forage production.

"The need for diversification in agriculture did not appear out of nowhere, this is a strategically important step. Through diversification, that is growing, in addition to grain, oilseeds and vegetables. It will increase competitiveness and sustainability of the country and agriculture - the foundation of the state. Those who have food – have a strong state, those who buy it, lose people and the state. Therefore, the question of diversification is very pressing for us", - said V. Skoblikov.

Growing monocultures, farmers are heavily exposed to the risk of instability of the market.

"A striking example - the situation of 2011, when 22 million tons of grain was collected in the country. Prices fell sharply, nowhere to sell, the part of the grain remained on the fields, as there were not enough granaries. And, most importantly, the cultivation of monoculture has a negative impact on the fertility of the land", - says the expert.

For a natural restoration of the soil, it is necessary to observe the diversity of cultures. But it is necessary to upgrade equipment. According to the Regional Department of Agriculture, in 2015, regional farmers updated only 2% of tractors and 1.8% of combine harvesters.

"This is a problem common to the whole of the republic - the lack of working capital, high cost of equipment. Almost 70% of all equipment in the country is already worn out", - said the expert.

As one of the characteristics of the Karaganda region, the center's specialists have noted the main feature of the region - the limited moisture. Rainfall in the region of 150 to 200 mm, rarely up to 400-450 mm per year, the formation of the harvest occurs mainly due to the autumn-winter precipitation. However, judging by the character of this summer, farmers this year will not experience the moisture deficit.

On 19th of July in the Karaganda region started seminars for agricultural producers for crops and livestock. On the basis of 5 regional farms were held lectures and conducted workshops by the best specialists of the country. The first training sessions were held in Abay and Osakarov districts.

The head of LLP "Aktorke" Zhanat Aktureev shared his impressions at the end of the workshop in the Osakarov district.

"Despite many years of experience, as it turned out, I still have a lot to learn, because no one taught us at the start, we were not told where to start from, what cultures breed better. We got a lot of useful information, tips are very relevant", - said the businessman.

Seminars will be organized before the end of summer, their schedule and topics can be found here:

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