
Problems at the height or who services Kazakhstani skyscrapers?

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Association of industrial alpinism will be created in Kazakhstan

The decision was taken at an enlarged meeting of NCE RK "Atameken".

The meeting took place in a video conference mode with the participation of stakeholders of the business community and the representative of the Committee of Industrial Development and Industrial Safety of the Ministry for Investment and Development of Kazakhstan.

Entrepreneurs working in this field have complained of a number of issues, including administrative barriers. For example, there is no legislation regulating the activities in the field of industrial alpinism. The only regulation is exercised by the order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of RK, dated by 19th of December 2012 "On some issues of industrial safety", which, in turn, has lost its force in December 2015. Thus, now the industrial alpinism in Kazakhstan remains without any state control, which has a detrimental effect on the quality of work at height.

They also discussed the presence of many non-accredited professionals, hospitalization of industrial climbers with serious injuries due to lack of appropriate knowledge. In fact, the market is not regulated now.

Director of LLP “” Arman Khasenov listed the issues that the Association must resolve. "Creation of a training and retraining system, the introduction, adoption and implementation of uniform safety rules for work at height, the draft of which is now considered at the committee of the industrial development of industrial safety, distribution of responsibilities between market participants: the customer, executor and producers of work, accounting of relevant skilled professionals, certification and standardization of requirements for equipment, inventory, which is used in industrial alpinism, accounting and control, as well as the fight against unscrupulous market participants", - he said.

According to the businessman, the working name of the organization - the National Association of work at height and industrial alpinism. He proposed to elect Major General Dikhanbek Dzhankorazovich Satylganov as the Chairman, who previously headed the Department of Liquidation of Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of RK.

"We invite all business participants from the regions to participate directly and be the founders of the association. The main purpose of this association will be to address all the problematic issues of the industry. We will cover the three business areas: education and training of staff, support for entrepreneurship, cooperation with other agencies, including overseas market. We plan to enter the international market", - he said, adding that the problems of all businesses are the same, so it's time to unite, to create an association that will address all these issues.

The representative of the Committee of Investment Development and Industrial Safety of the Ministry of Investment and Development of RK Vladimir Melnik said that the draft rules of production of work at height is now under development. According to him, there is a need to make changes to the law "On civil protection" to define the competence of the authorized body in the field of industrial safety, which gives us the right to develop and to adopt normative legal acts. At present, this issue is addressed.

"Creation of the association - it is a matter of time. The primary responsibility for the results of services in almost all the normative legal acts in force today, is put on individual market participants. That is, the Service Provider is fully responsible for the result of the provided services, respectively, for an employee who renders it. Therefore, the question of the association will allow to solve a range of problems, first of all, the question of professional training, the definition of common rules of the game, doing this business, which today is a separate branch of industry", - he said.

Director of the department of development of small and medium-sized businesses NCE RK Kayrzhan Ibraev drew attention to the importance of industry consolidation. "Today we have a situation that all companies operate in isolation, and the association will defend the common interests. Market participants are interested in it, we gather to discuss this issue not the first time. They have turned to us with a proposal to establish the association. We support and help them. We are ready to support this industry, and we want industrial alpinism to develop in Kazakhstan", - he said.

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