
Big Money for Small Business

- Kyzylorda Region
12908 просмотров

273 new jobs appeared within the frames of the project "Micro-business Kyzylorda"

This was announced by Acting Deputy Director for Economic Affairs of the Chamber of entrepreneurs Bakhytzhan Abiyev.

Currently, within the frames of the project "Micro-business Kyzylorda" were 56 projects of the residents of villages worth 357.5 million tenge. As a result, 273 people obtained employment.

In addition, according to Bakhytzhan Abiyev, it pleases us and that the project is in great demand among Kyzylorda residents. For example, last year 71.5 million tenge, which were allocated for loans to entrepreneurs by the regional akimat, have been returned on time. As a result, 8 projects were financed.

Today we have decided to answer the question about the majority of funded projects in the regions, which districts use the potential of the project? In particular, in the Aral district 4 projects worth 20.3 million tenge, in Kazalinsk district 11 projects worth 74.3 million tenge, in Karmakshy district - 13 projects (97.7 million tenge), in Zhalagash district - 4 projects ( 27.6 million tenge), in Syrdarya district - 5 projects (32.9 million tenge), in Shiely district - 9 projects worth 57 million tenge, in Zhanakorgan district five projects worth of 11.1 million tenge.

In addition, the credit committee approved 5 projects, the process of preparation of necessary documents is on. The necessary documents are prepared for projects approved at the last 5th meeting of the Supervisory Board.

This year NCE RK "Atameken" and akimat of the region allocated 660 million tenge for the financing of business start-up projects in rural areas within the program "Micro-business Kyzylorda".

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