
To start business at the age of 18 years - it is real!

- North-Kazakhstan Region
11903 просмотров

The young man from the village Kishkenekol Rishat Kakimzhan proved it on his own experience

This spring, he appealed to the Business Support Centre of Ualikhanov district with the idea of ​​breeding poultry - geese, ducks and chickens. According to estimates of Rishat, he needed 2 million tenge to start a business, which he hoped to receive a loan under the state program.

For appropriate conditions were created for running a business: pond, shed for birds, and, most importantly, a great desire to start own business. The young man had a collateral for getting a loan - real estate. Soon Rishat with managers of BSC began to develop a business plan. Then the boy was trained under the program "Business Advisor" and registered IE "Kakimzhan" in the district office of the State Revenue Committee. At the same time the aspiring businessman filed documents to the Fund for Financial Support of Agriculture of NKR for getting a loan. Consideration of documents took a long time, but in the end, Rishat Kakimzhan received the loan in the amount of 2 million tenge. As it was planned, the businessman bought geese, ducks and chickens, organized shed, purchased feed. He plans to sell meat, down and feathers. Rishat plans to receive up to 4.5 kg of meat from one goose that will give a profit of 3000-4500 tenge, more than a half kilogram of down, you can also earn money by selling feathers, you can get up to 40 feathers from each goose. In addition, the young man agreed with the sewing workshop for the supply of down. The businessman works at his farm with inexhaustible energy, which is inherent to the youth.

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