
To catch fish from the pond ...

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About the problems and plans of the fishing industry of Kazakhstan from the first hands

The second day of hatchery forum "KazAkva 2016" was devoted to visits of the economic objects. Guests of the event, experts from Kazakhstan and the CIS countries visited the feed mill "Aqua Alliance" in the Almaty region. It produces feed for trout, sturgeon and carp. The company is new, it works since 2015, 27 jobs were created during this time. According to the director of the plant Yerlan Suleimenov, the production capacity is - 3.5 thousand tons per year, but now it is only half loaded. Alas, such is the demand of local fish producers, despite the fact that domestic feed is cheaper by 10-20% than their foreign. The solution became export. Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Belarus and Georgia willingly buy our products.

"The situation would be improved in the case, if the Government introduced subsidies for fish farms for the purchase of domestic feed. This practice existed five years ago, but was suspended because of the crisis. Then the state covered 50% of expenditure of fish producers on feed, and it was in that year that aquaculture production has increased from 300 to 800 tons per year. It would be a significant support to the fishing industry", - opined Yerlan Suleimenov.

The next item infotour became famous Turgen trout farm near Almaty. This is one of the oldest farms, founded in 1967. It produces rainbow trout.

"Potentially, we can grow up to 300-400 tons of trout a year, but currently we produce about 40 tons per year – said the deputy director of the trout farm Ermek Amirzhanov. - Most of the costs are associated with feed, and we order it in Denmark: the local food does not meet our requirements. One kilogram of it is worth a thousand tenge. And for one spawn to grow to a marketable fish, you need at least half a year. So you count our expenses, without taking into account taxes on water abstraction, content management, etc.".

The representative of the Ministry of Agriculture, director of the Department for protection of fish resources and regulation of fishing of the Ministry of Agriculture Ayan Bakhiyanov, who attended the forum, promised to convey the message to his leadership. According to Bakhiyanov, subsidies had to be stopped due to optimization, but now the Ministry has to revise the program "Agribusiness 2020", which can stipulate the support to fishermen. So, it is planned to allocate about 2 billion tenge for the maintenance of valuable fish species.

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