
Local producers need support

- Almaty Region
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Karatal district branch rendered assistance with tax reports 670 times

This figure was voiced by the director of the branch Marat Kusainov, in its report for the half year.

Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Almaty region Lazzat Chinkisbaeva presented to businessmen and representatives local executive bodies of Karatal district the provisions of the District Council of Entrepreneurs. In addition, they listened to the report of the Director of the Chamber, discussed topical issues of the business community.

"For 6 months the Chamber received 28 complaints, including 25 complaints from 55 entrepreneurs on tax administration and payments, land legislation, architecture and urban planning, as well as passenger transport subsidies. Of these complaints 22 were resolved positively. 864 services were provided within non-financial business support. Thus, 74 entrepreneurs obtained 670 services on delivery of tax reports through the "Cabinet of the taxpayer". 30 businessmen received assistance with compliance of the business plans. Among them, three have received a loan of more than 21 million tenge", - said the head of the local branch Marat Kusainov.

Currently in Karatal district there are more than 3 thousand business entities. Over half of the year investments worth over 2 billion tenge were attracted. With the forces of the Chamber were created 2 agricultural cooperatives "Orley" and "Ak Zhol". 4 physical bodies- heads of farms united in the agricultural cooperative. The idea of unification was to use the fruit and vegetable storage of of one farm with the subsequent sale at the market of the south capital. At the co-operative "Ak Zhol" has grazing area, livestock and center catering - cafe. Thus, the agricultural cooperative has the ability to create a closed loop - "raising animals - slaughter - transformation into semi-finished cooking-finished products". Currently the cooperative applies for a micro-loan under the program "Business-regions".

In turn, the akim of Karatal district Kairat Bisembayev noted that the establishment of District Councils will affect the effective solution of business problems.

"We need such a Council and it will benefit the business in the future. We will be able to resolve all urgent problems, to make proposals. We also intend to assist the Chamber and to open the house of entrepreneurs. Of course, the new interactive platform should have a positive impact on interaction of business and the state", - said the head of the district. Also, according to him, it is necessary to actively support the local producers.

"In our district operates LLP "Kamkor", which is engaged in the production of garments. Their products are not inferior to domestic and foreign products. It is therefore important to support them. I recently ordered two suits from them", - said K. Bisembaev.

Moderator, the Chairman of the Regional Council of RCE Rimma Salykova, summing up the meeting, pointed out that the Council should select the most active and influential businessmen.

"Now you can offer your candidates to be included in the district council, but these people need to know that this public work, and will need to work hard to achieve, to engage in dialogue. After visiting districts and approval of the of the composition of district councils by the Regional Council, we will need to conduct training seminars for members of the Council for Cooperation with the branch, local executive and state bodies ", - suggested the head of the Regional Council.

Director of RCE Lazzat Chinkisbaeva from the beginning of July began to pay working visits to all districts of the region in order to familiarize with the position of the district (town) Council of Entrepreneurs and also to hear their opinions, to visit the implemented business projects in the region.

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