
After army - into business

- Karaganda Region
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Soldiers of the military garrison are thinking about starting their own business after completing military service

For many ordinary soldiers employment issue is relevant. The Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Priozersk town continues a series of meetings with a view to spread widely information about state business support programs. This time, they were invited to talk about entrepreneurship at a military garrison #44841.

Is it possible to get the support, which program is suitable for a particular direction, and, most importantly, on what does the success of the business depend, how not to lose the believe at the start. Young men literally bombarded consultants with questions. Some did not even think about their own business, so they did not hear about the measures of state financial support.

According to the director of the branch of RCE in Priozersk town Azamat Chalgymbaev, most employees in the garrison – are natives of the villages, mostly planning to move to the city, in order not to be left without work.

"One of the soldiers after the meeting said that he has a starting "capital" in the form of 10 cows and wants to seriously engage in the breeding of cattle. In the near future we are waiting for him at our office, where we will help him to compile a business plan, we will teach the basics of business. The majority of young people are serious, and I think that should not be missed when you are energetic and ready to plunge into the business. We assist in every possible way in the implementation of such initiatives", - says the director.

One of the frequently asked questions at such meetings is to justify investments. Why some people close business, how to calculate risks and to anticipate threats?

"The main mistake is that a novice entrepreneur does not study the market and often begins to deal in an area where there is a lot of competition. For example, if the region is reach with livestock, it is better not to start a farm, but to think about business of provision of services to existing farmers. It can be meat processing, veterinary services or security services for cattle. The second major mistake – is to wait for fabulous profits in the first year of launch. Businessman must be patient and logical in the actions, if he went bankrupt in the first year, it means that he did not wait for the profit, which was waiting for in the next, "- explained Azamat Chalgymbaev, who himself is a business owner in a single industry town, and knows exactly how to encourage.

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