
The party will help and support

- City of Astana
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The Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Astana city and the capital branch of the party "Nur Otan" signed a memorandum of cooperation, which reflects the basic mechanisms of interaction, support and development of entrepreneurship

As it was noted by the first deputy chairman of Astana branch of the party Edil Mamytbekov, a memorandum of cooperation is the starting point of cooperation between the Regional Chamber and the city branch of the party "Nur Otan", because a lot of tasks were set for Astana, including the International Exhibition EXPO-2017. "We together with joint efforts must improve the business climate and strengthen the business image of the capital", - he said.

Head of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Astana Ghani Tasmaganbetov, in his turn, noted that the party "Nur Otan" has a powerful administrative resources in the country, and therefore its support would be sensible for the activities of the Regional Chamber and the business community of the capital as a whole.

According to G.Tasmaganbetov, the Chamber revealed more than 100 administrative barriers, together with the Akimat of Astana it conducted a series of reforms to create a favorable legal, economic and social conditions for the realization of entrepreneurial initiatives in Astana. So, street trading system, system of provision of land plots and others have been modified.

In addition, in order to support the development of the capital's business, the Chamber within the frames of the business school trained about 1.6 thousand people. SME representatives also obtain free advice and services in the main areas of business: taxes and accounting, marketing, information technology, quality management systems, customs procedures and procurement. So, from 2015 were provided 6.8 thousand services to 4.6 SMEs of the city.

During the three years of activity, the Chamber of entrepreneurs considered over 700 problematic business issues and protected the rights of businesses worth more than 3 billion tenge.

 In this regard, metropolitan Chamber of entrepreneurs proposed to strengthen cooperation with the Astana branch of the party "Nur Otan" on business protection, reduction of administrative barriers, as well as conduction of trainings and awareness-raising activities for the city's business community.

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