
Professor from Tyumen highly praised the work of the Centre of Agrarian Competence

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An honored veterinarian of the Russian Federation advised Kazakhstani specialists in the field of AIC

Dean of the Department of the State Agrarian University of Northern Zauralye, Professor, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, honored veterinarian of the Russian Federation Anatoly Beloborodenko is an expert in two directions animal - pedigree conversion and feedlots. Centre of Agrarian Competence of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" invited him to carry out consultancy work, as well as to get acquainted with the methodology of conducting lectures and workshops for farmers. "I got acquainted with the techniques that prepared your expert Bauyrzhan Kurmanov, assessed their quality. I must say that this work has been done perfectly. The second point - it is training of Kazakhstani experts and consultation of lecturers. Third point, if we go to the farm, then, if necessary, I can give recommendations there", - said Beloborodenko.

Professor the work of the Centre of Agrarian Competence praised. "I think that this initiative will find a lot of support among farmers. Because farmers are interested in it. Each of them strives to get the maximum gain, the benefits for their business. This is a very useful thing, and it's economically viable", - he said.

According to the expert, the problems with livestock in Kazakhstan are the same as in Russia. "These are feedlots, getting weight gain. There are often problems with our feedlots: from the feeding, housing, stress, injuries associated with various diseases. As for feeding – it is quality of feed, availability of high-grade animal diet", - he stated.

On the question what new technologies are now used in the Tyumen region in agricultural production, Beloborodenko shared that farmers in the region are now focus on environmental safety. "It means getting environmentally friendly products. If we give the animals antibiotics, hormones - it is fraught with various diseases. Therefore, we have long been working on the application of environmentally friendly technologies ", - he said.

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