
We stand for fair procurements

- Almaty Region
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Working Commission in the field of procurement has identified administrative barriers

At the site of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs was held the first meeting of the working commission in the area of ​​procurement within the frames of the support of domestic producers. The Commission was created a week ago by the decision of Akim of the region. Deputy Akim Serik Turdaliev was selected as the chairman of the working body, the Director of the Chamber Lyazzat Chinkisbaeva is the co-chair.

The Commission included a number of heads of state bodies, as well as a member of the Regional Council Alexander Anikin. Chairman of the commission S.Turdaliev noted that the commission formed to ensure cooperation between state authorities and domestic producers in order to increase local content in state procurements, procurements of national companies and enterprises of the Almaty region.

The commission will monitor the implementation of state policy in the sphere of support of domestic producers, coordinate the activities of state bodies and domestic producers to ensure increase of local content. In addition, the working commission on procurement will develop proposals and recommendations for increasing the share of local content in state procurement.

Department of construction and department of energy and utilities presented to entrepreneurs public procurement plan. So, according to their data, within six months were conducted 66 tenders for the construction and 61 - in the energy sector and public utilities.

Opinions and suggestions of entrepreneurs have been heard. Issue of expiration of tariffs and design and estimate documentation are quite urgent. It turned out that after the development of a document, 1 to 3 years are spent on the coordination of the project, funding and disbursement. It is understandable that during this time change the prices of goods and services. It is also necessary to take into account inflation and the economic situation in the country. But during public procurement, the public authority does not take into account the time of development of the document, and does not change the rates foreseen three years ago. A businessman has to agree with such a price.

This problem is very familiar to the director of a furniture factory “Galamat” Talas Mensizbaev. He has several times had to execute such orders. According to him, during the preparation of the technical specification experts suggest the value of goods that do not correspond to market conditions. And the information about the services and products derived from the sites where the information is not updated for several years.

A letter with proposals will be submitted to NCE RK "Atameken" and local executive bodies to address administrative barriers.

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