
Mistakes of the past

- Akmola Region
7437 просмотров

Errors of officials once again have led to delays of resolution of an entrepreneur’s problem  

We have already talked about the case in Sandyktau district where negligence of officials has become a hindrance to business development. Unfortunately, this fact was repeated.

In July, Kartosh Asylbek addressed to Akkol branch of the Regional Chamber of entrepreneurs turned. The entrepreneur requested assistance in correcting the documents on real estate. According to the applicant, he repeatedly tried to provide the necessary materials to the Foundation for the Support of Agriculture to obtain a loan within the program "Roadmap of employment 2020", but documents were repeatedly rejected.

During the study of the appeal the experts of the branch found that in the preparation of the form 2 in the center for servicing population, in the section "information about the owner" was not put the word legalization. I must say that when issuing a decision on legalization in 2006, members of the commission did not specify the land plot, but only the facility standing on it. Parameters of a land plot, specified in the data sheet do not comply with the land act.

At present, the composition of the commission on legalization is completely renovated, but the lack of professionalism of its former members negatively affected the entrepreneur.

Experts of the branch of RCE sent requests to the appropriate authorities - Real Estate Center, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Department of Justice, Economy and Finance, and so forth.

In the end, all the papers were corrected and are shown in the proper form within the law. Currently Kartosh Asylbek applied for funding to FFSA within the frames of "Roadmap of Employment-2020".

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