
To the attention of exporters of regulated products in EAEU countries

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"Atameken" encourages domestic producers and exporters to observe sanitary requirements of EAEU

In connection with the detection of cases of the violations of the order of import and export of Kazakh quarantine products by exporters, the competent authorities of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union, Economic Integration Department of NCE RK "Atameken" draw the attention of domestic manufacturers and exporters to the need to meet the phytosanitary requirements of the EAEU.

Creation of the Union assumes simplification of customs and other procedures between Member States. However, in accordance with Appendix #12 to the EAEU Treaty "Protocol on the application of sanitary, veterinary and sanitary and phytosanitary quarantine measures", in the framework of the Union the export and import of regulated products between member countries is carried out only in the presence of a phytosanitary certificate of the exporting party. However, the Kazakhstani Law "On Plant Quarantine" prescribes the presence of a phytosanitary certificate only in the event of export of regulated products from the country.

The procedure for issuing a phytosanitary certificate has the status of a public service, therefore, it is carried out according to the approved standard. The service is provided by territorial inspections of the Committee of the state inspection in the agricultural sector of the Ministry of Agriculture of the city, regional and district level (the addresses of the places, where the public service is rendered, is available on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Agriculture - (section "Support & Services" subsection "Services in the field of Plant Cultivation"). The application is submitted to the Service Provider's address (the Office of territorial Inspectorate) or via the web portal of "electronic government”

The following documents are required for application and the subsequent receipt of a phytosanitary certificate:

to the service provider:

1) an application form;

2) an identity document and a document confirming the representative's authority (for identification);

3) the requirements in the field of plant quarantine in the importing country's National Plant Quarantine Service (compliance with which is verified by the inspector);

On the portal:

1) application in the form of an electronic document;

2) the requirements in the area of plant quarantine of ​​the importing country's service of the National Plant Quarantine in the form of an electronic document.

For reference:

in the Russian Federation - the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated by December 29, 2010 "On approval of the Rules on the plant quarantine on importation of regulated products into the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as its storage, transport, transportation, processing and use” # 456;

in Belarus - List of pests, plant diseases and weeds, which are quarantine objects to the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus on September 27, 2006 #57;

in the Kyrgyz Republic - quarantine phytosanitary requirements for imported into the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic regulated products, approved by Kyrgyz Government Order dated by June 18, 2015 #376;

in the Republic of Armenia - Requirements to be met by the Republic of Armenia to the quality and safety of grain and its products, approved by Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Armenia on January 11, 2007 "On approval of the technical regulation requirements for production, storage, processing and utilization of grain” #22- N.

After application to the territorial inspection, the inspector in charge shall notify the applicant about the time of presentation of regulated products for inspection, if it was done via the web-portal,  the notice arrives to the user's personal account. This is done in order to establish phytosanitary condition of regulated products, if necessary, with sampling in the presence of the applicant (in the case of export of regulated products from quarantine zones, samples are sent for phytosanitary examination). By the results of the inspection an act of quarantine phytosanitary control and supervision is issued, on the basis of which is issued a quarantine certificate.

More information on the terms of the public service, application forms, addresses of places, the grounds for refusal to provide state services, order of appeal and e.t.c. is presented in the standard of the state service "Issue of phytosanitary certificate for export of regulated products outside the Republic of Kazakhstan” (http://

Also, in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure of quarantine phytosanitary control (supervision) at the customs border of the Customs Union (in the Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated by August 16, 2013 # 50) upon arrival to the destination, officials of the competent authorities of the importing Party, in whose territory the place of stay or place of delivery of quarantine products, execute quarantine phytosanitary control (supervision) and take hold of the original phytosanitary certificate of the exporting country.

In connection with the foregoing, NCE RK "Atameken" asks to report on the problem situations in the export of quarantine products to the territory of the Member States EAEU by e-mail with the application of available materials.

For reference, we recall that in accordance with national legislation of EAEU member states, there is administrative responsibility for violation of the phytosanitary requirements:

- In the Republic of Kazakhstan is applied a fine ranging from twenty to one hundred monthly calculation indices with the confiscation of regulated products in the event of impossibility of its decontamination and recycling;

- In the Russian Federation, the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of three hundred to five hundred rubles, for officials - from five hundred to one thousand rubles, for legal entities - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles;

- In the Republic of Belarus - punishable by a fine of ten to thirty base units, for an individual entrepreneur - from thirty to sixty base units.

The presentation of the receipt of the phytosanitary certificate for export of regulated products outside the Republic of Kazakhstan

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