
Trademark - a symbol of the company

- Mangistau Region
15074 просмотров

The norms of legislation in the field of trademarks were explained to Mangistau producers and regional service providers

Director of the branch of the National Institute of Intellectual Property Darkhan Gumarov talked about the concept of a trade mark, its functions, the processing of an application for receipt of a trademark, the concept of provisional and full examination, the legal regulations in the field of trademarks. He also cited examples of the legal protection of the names of places of good’s origin.

"Promoting a product or working in the service industry in a rapidly developing market relations, it is necessary to remember not only how to highlight the offered goods or services among others, but also how to protect it. The most effective means of protection is registration of a unique trademark", - said the head of the Institute. According to him, the National Institute of Intellectual Property examines applications for registration of a trademark on industrial property, namely inventions, utility models, trademarks, names of origin, industrial designs, as well as selective achievements. The Institute runs the state register of protected documents, prepares them for issuance.

Darkhan Gumarov also clarified that the registration of any manufactured product carries the two main tasks. "The first registration of a trademark gives the owner the exclusive right to it, and subsequently, no one can use the protected trademark. And the second - is the surest way to protect it against unfair competition. In addition, successfully design and promotion of the trademark can convert it from a means of individualization to the intangible asset with its own cost. And the example of well-known brands, we can see the marks, logos, brands, are as an intangible asset that brings to it owners a considerable profit", - commented the director of the Institute.

The head of the Unit on Intellectual Property Rights of the Regional Department of Justice S. Baksenov commented on the work of judicial authorities in the field of protection of industrial property rights, the methods and stages of protection of industrial property. According to him, that protection of intellectual property rights is one of the important indicators of the competitiveness of our country in the ranking of the Global Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Forum.

The representative of Justice body also explained the procedure of registration of owner’s rights on trademarks, brand name, the procedure for obtaining and the term of protection of the document and noted the need to take timely measures to protect the intellectual property object.

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