
"Moonlit" path

- East-Kazakhstan Region
10422 просмотров

Paving tiles, glowing at night, will be produced in Zyryanovsk district

The company took about nine million tenge of investments to set up the production

During the day - it is usual lining material, and at night - moonlit path.

Entrepreneurs of Serebryansk decided to approach the production process with creativity. Consumers are tired of standard materials and the market requires innovative solutions. So, the couple, engaged in production of concrete products, decided to produce tiles of various shapes in the near future, for example, the "crocodiles". They were actively exploring technology for the production of glowing in the dark paving slabs. During the day, these materials absorb the sun's rays and at night they glow.

The company "Shygys Monolith" is engaged in production of concrete products for the third year. The range, in addition to paving slabs, includes concrete blocks, cinder blocks, Euro fences, curbs, parapets and other materials.

The company took around nine million tenge of investments to set up production. Administration of the town of Serebryansk helped to take advantage of the tools of the state support, explaining to entrepreneurs opportunities of participation in the program for the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

"First of all, it was government support. We were planning to start a business for a long time, but there were no funds. When I learned that there is a support program of single-industry towns, I thought it is just for us. We study the program and come to the city administration with the offer. We participated in the competition and won. Won a grant in the amount of 3 million tenge. With that money we bought equipment, and then, taking advantage of government subsidies, purchased the building. We are working for the third season, things are moving slowly", - said the head of the enterprise Saltanat Sungatova.

Today, a small company employs four people. Saltanat and Erbol Sungatov monitor the production process and product quality. He works as an electrician, and the chief engineer.

"Product quality is one hundred percent. We have modern facilities and a very good equipment that allows to work without wasting material. The process is automated, everything is measured on the scale to meet the standards. Therefore, there is no problem with the products", - says Erbol Sungatov.

Every day the company can produce up to 250 blocks and about a hundred square meters of paving slabs.

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