
We are ready to compete

- Kyzylorda Region
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Regional entrepreneurs get a chance to showcase their products and get a ticket to the final exhibition in Astana

This was stated to journalists at the briefing by the director of the Chamber of entrepreneurs Galymbek Zhaksylykov, announcing the holding of the contest-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan-2016" in the Kyzylorda region.

Since last year, the organization of competitions for the Prize of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa" and "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" was completely taken over by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken". The main criteria for the contestants is to achieve good results in the areas of product quality, to improve the competitiveness of enterprises, the use of high-quality management, the introduction of international standards, customer satisfaction.

"One of the innovations was the fact that individual entrepreneurs may apply to participate in the contest "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" and the Prize of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa". Previously, the award was merged into a single nomination - "small and medium-sized businesses". Now it is divided into two full-fledged. Thus, three subjects of business - small, medium and large enterprises can participate. This is a great opportunity for small businesses to promote their business nationwide, to improve their competitiveness", - said G. Zhaksylykov.

Contest-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" - is a unique business environment for networking and attracting new customers. This year, 18 producers applied to the Regional Chamber of entrepreneurs for participation. They intend to fight for the title "The Best Product of Kazakhstan". And among them are 13 individual entrepreneurs. The Chamber of entrepreneurs has been provided all the necessary assistance in the preparation for the competition.

Among the participants, there are many of those, who work successfully, and those who are just beginning to develop their activities. Such as - LLP "Braunis," IE "Murager" and others. By the way, LLP "Braunis", whose activities are focused on the production of confectionery, last year it took second place in the nomination "The best industrial goods". This year's it claims for victory in the competition.

Among the newcomers - Kyzylorda branch of LLP "Kazakhstan Petrochemical Company" Chemical ", LLP "NP Consulting”, IE “Kurbanbaev” and others.

According to the results of the regional competition winners will be determined in three categories: "The Best food products", "The best goods for the population" and "The Best industrial goods". In each category are awarded three diploma – of I, II and III category. Then the winners will represent the region at the national level. Most importantly, the winners of the competition receive the right for four years to use the competition logo for promotional purposes, i.e. to promote their products on the market.

30 other small and medium-sized businesses, that will not fight for victory, volunteered to demonstrate their products out of the competition.

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