
Kyzylorda rice farmers take part in the competition "Altyn Sapa"

- Kyzylorda Region
11301 просмотров

Local produce has become a brand in Kazakhstan, and now the external market is in the queue

All the prerequisites for this are available. For example, in one of the farms of Kazaly district was implemented products safety management and control system.

17 years ago on this farm were planted the first 350 hectares of rice. Today, the sown area is already 4.5 thousand hectares. Part of the production is exported to neighboring countries. Since last year it started to sell seeds to local farmers.

Minazhadin Uteev, director of the farm: "According to experts, the yield will amount to 5 tons per hectare, which means that we will be able to sell about one thousand tons of seed of high quality material. Currently, 20% of the area of ​​seed - corn is red. In our own seeds, the content of red beans does not exceed 3%. CIS countries, which buy our products, these are Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, are satisfied with seed quality, they send more and more requests for production of seeds of other crops".

Partnership "Cheese of Marzhan" produces rice by the South Korean technology. First, cereal passes the process of acceptance at the plant. It is processed carefully to preserve starch and other nutrients. Next rice is carefully polished and bleached.

Daniyar Suylibaev: "There are 18 people, working in our shift. We produce up to 18 tons of rice each day. The work does not stop in the winter, the season lasts until autumn. To be closer to work, I specifically moved to Kasaly, I have been working for a year at the plant".

In December 2015 the partnership has opened up the area for fattening cattle for slaughter with capacity of 500 heads. Fatted cattle is in great demand in the cities of Kyzylorda and Baikonur, and also in the district. Having mastered this case, the entrepreneur plans to open a plant for the production of canned stew, sausage and tenderloin.

Minazhadin Uteev, director of the farm: "After receiving the nomination "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" the demand on our products has increased significantly. If we will take the prize "Altyn Sapa", that will enable us to improve the quality of the second type of product".

It is worth noting that, in addition to the production association "Cheese Marzhan", he pays great attention to social responsibility. Today, manufacturers have directed significant financial resources on the development of rural areas, so that in the villages of Aktan Batyr, Batyr Zhankozha and Orkendeu, life has become much more comfortable.

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