
Chipping of fur coats: Deadline was extended

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The Heads of Governments of the Eurasian Economic Union signed a decision to prolong the pilot project on labeling of fur products

On 12th of August this year was a regular meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council in Sochi. One of the issues discussed during the meeting was the extension of the pilot project on labeling of fur products, the implementation of which was planned for 2015-2016.

As it is known, the agreement on the pilot project came into force, and with it came into force all the relevant labeling requirements. However, all countries of the Union are on completely different levels of readiness: in Russia and Belarus labeling system is already working, and employers are able to order and to receive the control marks; Kazakhstan is developing an information system; Armenia and Kyrgyzstan are holding tenders to determine the system designer.

Due to these circumstances, NCE is one of the initiators of the extension of the pilot project on the territory of the Union. It should be understood that such an important project must be thoroughly analyzed and the results of the introduction of labeling should be objectively evaluated.

In this regard, in Sochi was signed decision of the Heads of Governments of the Eurasian Economic Union #6 “On the implementation of the mechanism of labeling of certain categories of goods with control (identification) signs" (attached). In accordance with the decision, the Eurasian Economic Commission, together with the governments of countries of the Union was instructed to study proposals for legal introduction of the provisions of the Agreement in 2017 and subsequent years.

Currently at the site of the Commission are held consultations at the expert level in order to select the optimal variant of the extension of the pilot project within the existing legal framework. According to NCE, the extension of the project will create a level playing field for the entrepreneurs of the Union and on the basis of it to prepare an objective analysis of the results of the pilot project.

However, for the convenience of businessmen, the Department of Economic Integration of NCE RK "Atameken" has prepared an information presentation on the major requirements for labeling of fur products. The presentation contains data on goods subject to labeling; the list of information required for labeling in the information system, as well as actions that businesses can implement today to prepare for the implementation of the project.


Along with it, the presentation contains information about the measures of liability provided for in the legislation of the Union when moving and selling goods without proper labels. We remind you that from 12th of August of the current year under the rules of the Agreement on the labeling of fir products, it is prohibited to cross-border trade fur without control characters.

Taking into account the large block of the outstanding issues with the introduction of labeling of fur products in pilot mode, in the near future at the site of NCE will be held a regular meeting with participation of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and involved government agencies and organizations to clarify all related matters.

The meeting will be held via videoconference, connecting all regions of Kazakhstan.

Date and time of the meeting will be announced by sending information through the regional chambers of entrepreneurs.

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