
To let business work

- City of Almaty
8592 просмотров

The project is aimed at preventing any form of undue interference in business activities

The Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty and prosecutor’s office have agreed on a joint project aimed at the development of effective mechanisms to protect the rights of entrepreneurs. The action plan was signed by the leaders of partner organizations - the director of the Chamber Yuri Tleumuratov and the Prosecutor of Almaty Berick Asylov.

The objectives of the project – reduction of the pressure on business by the regulatory bodies, elimination of administrative barriers, the massive development of the business.

"The prosecutor's office of the city is ready to cooperate. We are for creation of the maximum favorable conditions for doing business. For a long time our experts will give their suggestions on the development, many of which are reflected in the Action Plan signed today. One of the recent results is termination of criminal cases in which there is no act of a tax audit. This measure dramatically reduced the number of criminal cases in the field of entrepreneurship", - said the public prosecutor of Almaty Berick Asylov.

"I express my gratitude for the crucial assistance to business. In turn, I want to note that the largest number of letters, which get to the Chamber, are addressed to your structure. In spite of the overall effort, the individual cases of violation of the rights of entrepreneurs are taking place. We believe that the road map developed by the General Prosecutor of the Republic of Kazakhstan and NCE RK "Atameken" will promote the maximum coverage and resolution of systemic problems. A working group, which includes the representative of the prosecutor’s office and experts of the Chamber was compiled, which will gather 3 times a week. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the joint Action Plan is already at the stage of its implementation", - said the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Yuri Tleumuratov.

The Action Plan includes the following steps: analysis of the checklists of state bodies, analysis and procedures for unscheduled inspections, analysis of prescribing practices of unscheduled tax authorities' inspections, reduction of the areas of control and supervision over the activity of business entities, the analysis of the application of legislation on the use of permits and notifications, analysis of standards of public services, and the practice of their provision, organization of experimental situations, the audit for the corruption, target relevance, effectiveness, and others.

The parties also agreed on the opening of the public prosecutor's representative office at the Center for Servicing Entrepreneurs. Now, the entrepreneur will be able to tell about the problem to the specialist of the supervisory body directly. It is planned to hold a meeting with a prosecutor in the "meeting room" once a week. "Moreover, I am ready to participate in such a project. We are ready to hear appeals of entrepreneurs in person!"- supported the initiative Berick Asylov.

Following the meeting, the sides noted the need for further cooperation between law enforcement, regulatory authorities and business organizations, to detect and to prevent any form of undue interference in business activities.

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