
Another Centre for Servicing Entrepreneurs will open in Almaty

- City of Almaty
7772 просмотров

Almaty Chamber of Entrepreneurs and the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan signed a memorandum of cooperation

The purpose of the memorandum is facilitation to the formation of institutional framework for economic growth and the further development of regional entrepreneurship. The agreement provides for such forms of interaction as the opening and operation of information center for servicing entrepreneurs, organization on the basis of the library of the club of accountants, marketers and others, conduction of joint seminars, participation in the examination of normative legal acts, issued by public authorities, regarding the activities of the subjects of the private entrepreneurship, participation in the development of proposals for amendments and additions to the existing legislation, participation in advisory bodies created for the development of entrepreneurship, youth entrepreneurship, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs.

"On the basis of the agreement all citizens, who want to start their own business, as well as existing entrepreneurs will have access to information resources through the use of advanced information and telecommunication technologies. Using the possibility of holding joint events: seminars, meetings, round tables, conferences, we will be able to generate new breakthrough projects and actively involve in-house experts in the work of advisory bodies, established for the development of entrepreneurship, youth entrepreneurship, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs", - noted the director of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Almaty Yuri Tleumuratov.

"We are glad to see entrepreneurs among our readers. Currently, the National Library has 7 million books in 122 languages. There is all necessary literature for corporate executives, managers, accountants. Recently opened the "Chinese room" with the special literature, we have concluded an agreement on the exchange of and access to the resources of the United Nations, the resources of many foreign libraries. Through this partnership, you can find here very rare, hard to find information. Every day, in 14 specialized reading rooms there are about two thousand visitors. In addition, we often hosts exhibitions, conferences, round tables, the initiators of which you can become. Welcome! "- the Director of the National Library welcomed the guests of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhanat Seidumanov.

The parties also agreed to open on the basis library the Centre for servicing entrepreneurs. He will become the third in Almaty. Service of the New Centre will be primarily of informational character, their list is under discussion. Now in the city there are two Centers for Servicing Entrepreneurs (Gogolya, 111, 160 Dosty avenue). During their existence, the Centers have proven the need for the presence on the market - not every company can afford to hire qualified accountants, lawyers, marketers, specialists in the implementation of quality standards, etc. All of these services and advice can be obtained free of charge in specialized Centers for Servicing Entrepreneurs under regional chambers of entrepreneur. Customer support is provided through a single program of support and development "Business Road Map - 2020".

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