
Credit history puts a cross on the business

- Almaty Region
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Because of the negative credit history entrepreneurs can’t get state support

Such an opinion was expressed by head of the Office of entrepreneurship and industrial-innovative development of Almaty region Murat Marzhan at the meeting at the Chamber of entrepreneurs. According to him, 80% of businesses can’t get loans.

"We all know that there are credit funds in the framework of state programs. At present the program "Business Road Map" has a loan fund of 6 billion tenge. In implementation of the program, we come across the credit history of the borrower. We have a question: Who runs it and why it is not acceptable? Due to the bad credit history 80% of businesses can’t get a loan, because credit history is not updated. It is not clear to what refer banks, when they determine that the credit history is negative. It is necessary to examine it thoroughly", - said Murat.

He also said that credit history should be updated every two years.

"Maybe an entrepreneur due to some situations delayed the payment. But the crisis has passed, the business is on its feet, it develops. Entrepreneur is an obedient taxpayer, and then the credit history should be updated. There are so many questions to those, who renew and create the database. For example, a person wants to take a loan of 100 million tenge for a period of 5 years, within six months he has a delay of payment 9-10 days. But he get a negative credit history and can’t take advantage of the measures of state support", - added the head of the Office of Entrepreneurship and industrial-innovative development of Almaty region.

The head of the farm "Niva" Alexander Avdeyev in his speech asked to review the arrangements and requirements of the tax notice.

"Now under the new rules the tax authority has to notify about violations or other changes through a personal internet account of the taxpayer. For us, who work day and night in the field, it is very inconvenient and unacceptable. Most farms do not have the Internet and other communications. And if you're in a period of ten days from the date of receipt of the e- notification of the public agency did not respond, then you will face new sanctions", - said the farmer.

The statement of the farmer was supported by the Director of RCE of Almaty region Lyazzat Chinkisbaeva. According to her, the current coverage of the Internet makes it impossible to use the service.

At the meeting, the chairman of the Regional Council Rimma Salykova called on heads of state bodies to work together and to cooperate with the established in the area district (municipal) councils of entrepreneurs.

"Recently we have with the management of the Chamber of entrepreneurs have traveled to all districts and cities of the region. There were established Regional and city councils of entrepreneurs with the aim to hear the opinion of business in rural areas. I call on heads of state bodies to collaborate with Business Councils. Only then can we achieve results", - said Rimma Salykova.

The participants of the meeting are going to meet next week and have to work out a list of proposals for further discussion. It is also planned in the future to conduct exit meetings in rural districts and find out the results of the introduced measures.

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