
Colleges will be toll-free?

- City of Almaty
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Since 2017, free technical and vocational education will be introduced in colleges

This information was announced at the annual August conference of teachers, which is taking place these days in Almaty.

Since 2017 in colleges will be launched a social project "Free vocational education for all", which is compliance with the Address   of the Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev "Kazakhstan in the new global reality: growth, reform and development" dated by 30th of November 2015.

As it was noted in the report by the Head of Human Resources Development of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Vera Ching, by 2020 coverage of youth by technical and vocational education in Kazakhstan should reach 18% (figures of GPRON). The project will involve students of schools, colleges and universities, students, the unemployed population.

"The realization of the project will require a number of changes: the Rules of placement of state orders in the non-competitive placement on labour qualifications, in the qualification requirements for the licensing, the Rules of admission to universities, in the SES of basic secondary and general secondary education. So, it will be necessary to consider the transfer of students studying for a fee to toll-free state order, "- said Vera Jing.

In addition, the expert of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty proposed to introduce 3 year monitoring of employment for graduates of educational institutions and monitoring of expelled students of colleges and universities.

As the labor market analysis shows, which has been conducted by the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty, the need for semi-skilled workers reached 58.5%. 807 colleges are functioning in Kazakhstan, including 462 public, 345 private. They are loaded to 90% (they train about 491 thousand people in the presence of the potential of 546 971). Every year over 130 thousand young people in Kazakhstan enter the labor market without qualifications.

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