
Social Entrepreneurship: New Challenges

- City of Astana
10614 просмотров

Social project “Green Tal” plans to train people with disabilities to the basics of doing business

This was stated by a young businessman, the head of the social workshop for making wicker products “Green Tal” Emin Askerov during the Metropolitan Youth Forum "Youth. Energy. Innovation ", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and organized under the auspices of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Astana city and the branch of the Youth Wing "Zhas Otan".

In his speech he pointed out that the social workshop was created by him under the public fund “Best for kids” two years ago in order to help and to provide jobs for socially vulnerable segments of the population, including people with disabilities.

"At this time we have trained nearly 30 people, and 8 people with disabilities have been successfully working in the studio. This is what makes our project unique - we employ people with disabilities, single mothers, children from orphanages and people from low-income families. Anyone from this category can be trained free of charge and get the job with us. This is a social enterprise, which, unfortunately, is just beginning to develop here in Kazakhstan. But thanks to the young people and associates, we are actively creating this direction", - said Emin Askerov.

He noted that one of the reasons for insecurity of vulnerable people is a misunderstanding on the part of healthy people, and that people with disabilities can successfully socialize and adapt to our society.

Head of the social project stressed that one of his challenges for the future is training of people with disabilities to the basics of business in order to make them entrepreneurs, working from home.

"All I need is a room where we could start to teach not only the socially vulnerable strata of the population, but also everyone who decides to take the path of social entrepreneurship", - said Emin Askerov.

Taking advantage of the presence in the audience of representatives of local authorities and other entrepreneurs, he urged them to work together to resolve this issue.

"Imagine, if not everyone, but at least every fifth businessman begins to think not only about own pocket, but also of social responsibility, how could life change in Kazakhstan! Dear friends, accident can occur to anyone, but we can insure the care of those people, who really need our help. Therefore, I urge you to do good deeds and not stick only to your own problems! Join our project, and we can do better than Kazakhstan", - concluded the speaker.

In total, the forum was attended by over 500 people. In the framework of the event was held an exhibition of youth’s developments in the field of information technology, science.

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