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A delegation of the ESCAP Sustainable Business Network (ESCAP UN) visited the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the southern capital

At the invitation of the International Finance Centre "Astana", the delegation of the ESCAP Sustainable Business Network will visit Kazakhstan from 31st of August to 3rd of September 2016. It will be composed of employees of the departments of trade, investment and innovation, heads of banking organizations and international funds.

Expressing gratitude for the warm welcome, the President of Bank of Asia (BVI) Ltd, and the Chairman of the Department of green technologies ESCAP Carson Wen announced the purpose of the business visit. Guests are interested in the business environment, identifying business opportunities in Kazakhstan and, in particular, Almaty, as well as introduction of NCE RK "Atameken" to ESCAP activities in the field of business, trade and investment.

"ESCAP project is funded by the Government of the Republic of Korea. We hope to cooperate and to focus on the development of an interactive platform for small and medium business in Kazakhstan, which will help them to establish links with potential investors and business partners in the Asia-Pacific region", - said Carson Wen.

During the meeting, the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Yuri Tleumuratov told about the activities of NCE RK "Atameken", opportunities for international partnerships and presented the map of regional development, designed by NCE in order to help investors. "Nationwide, our city takes a leading position in almost all areas. Almaty provides 45% of the turnover of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including 25% of foreign trade turnover. 186,000 businesses are registered here. The city's economy is based on such sectors as transport and logistics services, finance, food industry, light industry and tourism. 70% of all international exhibitions, business visits of foreign delegations to the Republic of Kazakhstan are hosted by Almaty. There are 10 special economic zones in the Republic, which provide investment preferences (tax breaks, subsidies, state grants, exemption from duties and others.) ", - he said.

Tleumuratov noted that the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs is established to build a dialogue between business and the state. "For three years we have achieved significant results. Only in the last 7 months of 2016, the experts of the Almaty Chamber have defended the rights and interests of entrepreneurs in the amount of 46.8 billion tenge. For half a year 34 administrative barriers have been identified, 25 of which have been rectified. In addition to legal and consulting services to investors, the Chamber provides service support to budding entrepreneurs. You can register your business at the centers for servicing entrepreneurs  (now there are two of them in Almaty, it is planned to open two more by the year's end) free of charge within 15 minutes. Here newcomer will get assistance with compliance of a business plan, acquisition of marketing skills, accounting and tax reporting. For foreign partners, these same features are also available free of charge at the Centers for servicing investors", - he said.

At the end of the meeting the sides exchanged contacts and expressed hope for long-term cooperation.

Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) is one of five regional commissions of the United Nations, based in Bangkok. The main activity – is promotion of the principles of regional cooperation for achieving sustainable development in the member countries of the Commission ( The ESCAP Sustainable Business Network (ESBN) is addressing issues in the following areas: a "green" business, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and social enterprises, the digital economy, disaster risk reduction, banking and financial sector, trade facilitation and transport links, innovation and competitiveness.

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