
Second breath for businesses and individuals

- North-Kazakhstan Region
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An entrepreneur from SKR provided with work 10 convicts

On the eve of the school year skillful seamstress are in high demand. And the ladies increasingly address to the company for the services of tailoring the original design clothing, sitting perfectly on a figure. To avoid long waits for clients, the businesswoman from Ualihanovsk district of North Kazakhstan region Zamzagul Baymanova decided to expand her business. She received financial support within the program "Roadmap of employment 2020".

"There are a lot of orders, especially a lot of them come in pre-school period, so it is necessary to fulfill all customer orders", - decided a few months ago the owner of two clothing designing production units.

Ualikhanovsk branch of the Chamber of entrepreneurs helped her to collect documents and to apply for a loan under the state program. On this money the businesswoman bought new equipment and materials for the work, including the one for tailoring school uniforms. State bodies supported the idea of ​​business expansion of  Baymanova. For example, SE "ES 164/8 Department of the penal system for NKR" suggested to her a free room for the sewing workshop, and at the same time and labor. Baymanova employed 10 convicts.

"We have few sewing workshops, as for orders, on the contrary, a lot. Therefore, parents buy clothes in Petropavlovsk and other cities. After expansion of business, the need to go for school uniforms outside the area disappeared", - summed up the director of the branch of RCE of NKR in Ualikhanovsk district Batyrkhan Akhmetov.

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