
Teaching camel husbandry

- Atyrau Region
13378 просмотров

In Atyrau will be held seminar on management of camel farms

How to increase the production of camel products and develop camel milk production? How to effectively manage a modern camel farm? Answers to these and other questions Atyrau farmers will receive in the course of seminars on the development of camel husbandry that will be held on 8, 9, 10 September on the basis of LLP "Pervomayskiy".

"Our goal – is not just to educate farmers and to forget about them, but to give them modern solutions, innovative technologies at the workshops, the use of which will increase the efficiency of their business", - say the organizers in the face of the Center of Agrarian Competence NCE RK "Atameken".

It is worth noting that participation in a seminar is totally free. Education, in addition to theoretical studies, will contain practical classes. The lecturers will be international expert on camel husbandry from FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of UN) from the International Research Centre of Agronomic Research CIRAD (France) and an international expert of FAO on launch of projects for processing of camel milk in Turin, Dr. of Food Science Gaukhar Konuspaeva.

LLP "Pervomayskiy" was selected as the venue for seminars not by an accident. The farm, located in the territory of Makhambet district, is engaged for over 65 years in animal husbandry, including more than 60 years – camel husbandary. In 1999, the Association received the status of breeding farm for growing Kazakh Bactrian camels. At present, there are 800 heads.

For participation in the seminars you can address to the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Atyrau region by phone: 8 (7122) 777-606, 8701341 52 55 Contact person: Galiulla Turagaliev.

Information for farmers, it should be noted that today operates a versatile online resource for domestic agricultural producers, enabling domestic agribusiness to receive production advice 24 hours a day. On matters of interest you can visit the information-analytical portal, as well as contact by telephone the Call Center: 8 7172 59-79-60. Toll-free calls around Kazakhstan.

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