
Almaty got seriously engaged in attraction of foreign investment

- City of Almaty
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Investment forums will be held in all districts of the city

The first investment forum “MedeuInvest- 2016” was launched in Medeu district of Almaty. Its theme "Services and Tourism" is chosen not by chance: as these two areas are prevalent in the area's economy. There are more than 550 catering facilities (cafes, bars, pubs, restaurants) on the territory. This year at the initiative of local authorities and Tourism Department was opened the first ethical café "Zhaylau", in which was invested 450 million tenge. In addition, the Medeu district has more than 20 shopping malls for shop tours and every fourth hotel of Almaty is located here. It is a symbol of our city - the famous hotel "Kazakhstan", and modern hotels of the premium class.

Opening the series of investment forums, akimat of Almaty hopes to bring the problem of attraction of the capital to the next level. "In Medeu district of Almaty there are 11 thousand companies, which provide 30% of the city's tax revenue. 20% of investments in Almaty also account for Medeu district. Here are the branches, representative offices and distribution centers worldwide industry giants such as "Toyota", "Chevron”, “Procter and Gamble”. Each district has its own specifics, the largest number of companies providing services, including tourism, are concentrated in Medeu district", - addressed the guests of the forum, Deputy Akim of Almaty Yerlan Aukenov.

He noted that this year in the Medeu district put into operation four new hotels, it is planned to open two more brands - hotel "Novatel" and hotel "Kempinski" close to the Universiade. "But we need to develop a network of hostels. This is a free niche that you - entrepreneurs can fill. The work will be big, but we will make every effort to provide support to investors and business development", - added Aukenov.

Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Yuri Tleumuratov, in turn, spoke about the investor support at the Center for Servicing Investors (CSI) and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken". "NCE RK "Atameken" has developed a regional map of development of business, which I hope will be a useful tool, instructions for foreign investors. In Almaty the map includes 32 investment projects. Taking into account the specifics of the city, these projects are niche points of growth in priority sectors of the urban economy. It will also include an analysis of data on the results of surveys of entrepreneurs about the barriers, limitations and the competitive advantages of the region as a business environment. Currently, the collected materials are sent for review to the relevant offices of Akimat of Almaty", - said Yuri Tleumuratov.

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