
A program of cluster development is developed in Kazakhstan

- Almaty Region
11723 просмотров

In October 2016 will start a competition for the selection of pilot clusters across the country

Kazakhstan once again revives the program of cluster development. This time, Cluster Development Center at KIDI intends to engage in it. Despite the disastrous experience of their predecessors, the representatives of the Center believe that with the support of the Regional Chambers of Entrepreneurs they will achieve the set goals.

"The implementation of the cluster approach is recognized as an important tool to promote industrial development, competitiveness and efficiency of the economy. Within the SPFIID is foreseen support for the first national cluster in Atyrau, Mangistau and West Kazakhstan regions – it is mining, oil and gas processing, petrochemical industry, petrochemical engineering, maintenance services for the oil and gas industry ", - said the director of the Center Timur Shalabayev.

According to him, in other regions it is foreseen the formation of at least six pilot regional clusters, which should be non-oil sector (light and food industry, tourism, construction, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, etc.). And for the effective implementation of the program, initiators intend to conduct training for companies and to tell them about the benefits of a cluster system. Experts, who teachers at business schools, are going to hold classes on cluster economy, industry analysis, management and communication strategy etc.

Next month will start a contest for the selection of pilot clusters across the country. After evaluating the applications, the decision on the selection of six pilot clusters will be taken by the Commission on the Industrial Development under the Government. Further a team of foreign experts and KIDI will exercise supervision and management of the clusters’ activities, as well as create a plan of action to develop mechanisms for their support.

The initiators intend to use cluster policy by the experience of Italy. For example, the industrial district Manzano produces 80% of the chairs in Italy and 50% in the European Union. Production is concentrated in three towns: Manzano, San Giovanni and Natizone. In this triangle operate around 1,200 companies and 15 thousand workers.

Deputy Director on Economic Affairs of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty region Asset Shayakhmetov noted that RCE also supports entrepreneurs, who are interested in this system. The Chamber will be conduct an analysis of the market needs, and will escort projects.

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