
Watches, defining the character

- Karaganda Region
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There is a new venture that produces unique wall clocks in Temirtau

The company "Sagat buy" – is a participant of the recently held competition in Karaganda "The Best Product of Kazakhstan". Individual entrepreneur Anna Sviridova at the opening of the company has focused on national topics and intends to promote products at the international exhibition EXPO-2017. However, the clock can of any subject, and of all sizes, some arrows reach two meters, and some may tell a lot about its future owner, as they are made to order.

Glass-maker cuts the basis for future clock, soon the finished work will have ameaning. Skilful designers stick themed labels, and engineers prepare timers. But the idea and theme of clocks is thought out much earlier.

"We can produce a variety of clocks. We can manufacture clocks of all sizes. We can make the clock tower, in which the length of the arrow reaches two meters. Unfortunately, we have no such orders yet, but we hope very much, we are very interested, and we really want to make such a clock", - says Natalya Kushtan, chief designer.

The company for the production of unique watches appeared in Temirtau recently, but gradually takes its niche. The authors of the project intend to participate in the country's most important exhibition EXPO - 2017 and present their goods as souvenirs for foreign tourists. They focus on the theme of Kazakhstan, they believe that it is the key to success.

"We don’t have it. Neither in the town nor in Kazakhstan in general. They manufacture something like that, but they do not disclosed the theme itself of national style, the beauty of our steppes, our Kazakhstan. And we decided, if we try, possibly, we will be able to fill this gap", - assured the chief designer of "Sagat buy".

The manufacturing process is quite time consuming. First the design is developed on the computer, everything is taken into account, above all - the customer's wishes. Once the model is ready, the master thinks about details. We use glass, wood, plastic, acryl and even fabric in production. Most recently, the company "Saғat buy" participated in the regional exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan", the product have demonstrated to the wide public.

"There were a lot of entrepreneurs, a lot of companies, participating in it and we are among them. Of course, we are still, shall we say, beginning "startup project", we have established useful contacts. In addition to a lot of people, who liked our clocks, our design with the national twist, the Chamber of entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region invited to participate in the exhibition in Astana ", - said the director of Anna Sviridova.

To increase the quantity and quality of products, the company plans to expand production. For this it plans to purchase a laser printer, which will greatly facilitate their work. The owners of the company are confident that there will be no problems with the sale of these products, because the clock can be done under any interior in the house and the office, well, and everyone wants to get a personal clock.

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