
NCE "Atameken" - 3 years

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Three years ago, on this day, by the joint decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and NEPK "Union" Atameken" was established the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan “Atameken” in its current form. I would like especially to emphasize the uniqueness of the organization in which we operate - at the intersection of business and state structures, at the intersection of social and economic interests.

Three years – it is a short period of human development, but a considerable milestone for the organization. The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of RK "Atameken" has done a lot in that time, and even a simple enumeration of its success will take long time. Much of the credit for these achievements – is due to a cohesive and professional team of the Chamber.

In this regard, let me express my gratitude to all the staff of NCE RK "Atameken" for decent work, and congratulate us all on the three-year anniversary of our organization. I wish the staff of the Chamber success in work, good health and well-being!

The Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev

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