
Kenzhetay Tazabekova: Women can do anything

- Almaty Region
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The Regional Council of Business Women under RCE of Almaty region started publishing a series of materials "Female Face of Business"

The series is devoted to stories of successful and active women entrepreneurs. Heroines of each article talks about creation and operation of the business, share memories of their achievements in business.

The first interview was held with the head of the farm "Tastuma", chairwoman of Sarkansk district Council of Business Women Kenzhetay Tazabekova. Kenzhetay Tazabekova was born in Sarkansk district of Almaty region. She is a mother of three children. Although she is a medic by profession, 16 years ago, she got engaged in the management of the farm.

"At that time we lived in Almaty, I worked in a hospital. My husband's parents were in the village, they have their own peasant farm", - said the business woman. - "But in 2000, my father in law passed away. His house and farm went into decay and we decided to come back to the village. My husband still had 3 years before retirement, so I had to take over the management of the farm".

It was important to continue the work and take care of the welfare of the family for Kenzhetay Zhumagalievna. Thus, she became a business woman for the first time.

"Of course, the business was for me a new area. I was a nurse, I understood little in business. I grew up in the village, so in a short time I mastered the business. On the other hand, during that period I had to withstand and not stop working. Do you remember the beginning of 2000s? Time of trials and risks", - she said.

The woman got to farm with an area of ​​over 1,000 hectares. In addition to the livestock on the farm she grew wheat, barley and soybeans. At that time, due to lack of working professionals, Kenzhetay Zhumagalievna drove the tractor and even was a shepherd. Although the situation has changed, the entrepreneur still starts every weekday at 6 a.m.

And this time, she turned into one of the leading business woman in the district, who had the authority in the community. So this year Kenzhetay Tazabekova was entrusted to lead the district branch of the Council of Business Women. Public work is also a new area for her, but the experienced entrepreneur is active. Under her chairmanship were held several meetings, workshops with local women entrepreneurs. The head of the branch of the Council always encourages to be active and not afraid of new opportunities. According to her, it is much easier to start a business now.

"It is not 90s. It is much easier to open a business. The Chamber of Entrepreneurs will always give advice, show the most correct way to solve the problem. You can take a loan, the conditions for the issuance and receipt of become more flexible, there are a lot of state support measures. Therefore, you need only to work, to go ahead and not give up. I always say, and encourage women not to be afraid and to be active. Because there a lot of examples when one fragile woman supports a family, raises children, runs business and helps the community. This once again proves that women can do anything! "- she added.

According Kenzhetaeva, the main secret of its success and business success in the hard work and support of family. "When it comes to business, I always say that this is not only my merit. Because all this time, my husband Doszhan Tazabekov supported me, giving me strength. Probably, thanks to him, I'm whi I am! I can’t imagine myself without him, maybe I would not have succeeded without his participation and support ", - said the businessman.

The future plans of Kenzhetay Tazabekova – is to organize a big wedding party for her daughter. Today her family is celebrating happiness: they are preparing for "kyz uzatu". But in the future the business woman plans to build a feedlot on the farm and to engage in development of tourism in the district.

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