
New possibilities for cooperation with Hong Kong

- City of Almaty
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Leading Hong Kong companies are interested in business in Almaty

A Hong Kong delegation headed by Finance Secretary of the Special Administrative Region "Hong Kong" John Tsang arrived to Almaty. The purpose of the visit is to seek opportunities of business cooperation between Kazakhstan and Hong Kong in the framework of "One Belt and One Road" initiative.

The structure of delegation included foreign businessmen in the field of finance, law, consulting and construction. The Kazakh side was represented by Deputy Akim of Almaty Yerlan Aukenov, representatives of national companies, financial institutions, trade unions, rectors of universities and private entrepreneurs of the capital and the southern regions of the country.

At the working lunch with the business community of Almaty John Tsang spoke about the advantages of doing business in Hong Kong, professional financial, legal and consulting services that can provide Hong Kong counterparts. He also invited the Kazakhs to partnership, who wish to invest or to create a new company in Hong Kong.

"The international situation of Kazakhstan was in the spotlight at the end of June, when the country was elected as a nonpermanent member of the UN Security Council with a following membership as of January 2017. In November last year, Kazakhstan became the 162nd member of the WTO. In this regard, appropriate greetings, and I am pleased to bring them personally", - Mr. John Tsang said in his welcoming speech.

According to the distinguished guest, Hong Kong's economic ties with Kazakhstan are encouraging: the average increase in bilateral trade for the period from 2011 to 2015 amounted to 19%. This resulted in the fact that the Council on the development of Hong Kong's trade sends business delegations to Kazakhstan one after another in the last three years. In turn, the deputy akim of Almaty Yerlan Aukenov noted the importance and necessity of development of bilateral economic ties.

"Hong Kong – is one of the leading financial centers of the world, and in this respect we are interested in its development experience. Almaty as well as Hong Kong is the financial center of Kazakhstan. The city's economy has a high proportion of financial transactions (40%) and service sector, including trade. We need to learn from Hong Kong's experience in terms of creating conditions for business cooperation at the international level. We will continue to develop bilateral relations. In particular, in November of this year, we plan to form a business delegation to Hong Kong with the participation of the leading producers of Almaty", - said Erlan Aukenov.

Along with a business lunch in Almaty, the event was also held in Astana, which attracted more than 120 leaders in business and government circles. During the visit, the Astana part of the Hong Kong delegation held a joint briefing with companies Kaznex Invest and Astana Innovation, they visited a national company "KTZH Express" and International Finance Centre "Astana". One of the key events of the visit was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Council of Hong Kong Trade Development and IFC Astana, under which Kazakhstan will promote investment projects through the portal of the Economic Belt of the Silk Road

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