
To undergo customs control in 29 minutes

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The State Revenue Committee promises to reduce costs for importers to Kazakhstan during customs clearance of goods

Customs control process at border will be reduced up to 29 minutes in Kazakhstan, the automation of customs operations for participants of foreign economic activity will continue. During the tax conference, the chairman of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance Daulet Yergozhin said that "about 30% of the declarations will be issued at the border". This excludes operations on registration of the transit declaration, the delivery of goods to their destination, placement of goods at temporary storage facilities and submission of declarations to the internal customs. In addition, Daulet Yergozhin noted that information in three documents - a notice of arrival, the transit declaration and the declaration of goods are "substantially identical". Therefore, customs paperwork will be reduced. "We looked and we see that, in fact, there is no need to do anything, if preliminary information has been submitted it is automatically in the information system, the system fills in all the required documents itself, there is no need for a person to do it", - informed the Chairman of SRC.

Phased changes will affect the system of preliminary declaration.

"At present, preliminary information and preliminary declaration are two different non-interacting processes. In this regard, it is proposed to use the pre-declaration information as prior information", - said Daulet Yergozhin.

The information system will allow further to shape the risk management system. This means that each importer of goods to Kazakhstan will have history that will gradually categorize taxpayers with access to the green channel at customs.

Zhanar Serdalina

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