
There will be no court hearing: the case against “SANTO” was revoked

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The intervention of NCE “Atameken” prevented the halt of the biggest pharmaceutical factory in the country

LLP “SK-Formatsia” filed petitions against 14 large pharmaceutical companies on their recognition as unreliable providers, which is the distributor of purchase on purchase of medication and medical equipment.  Shymkent company “Santo” (JSC “Khimfarm”) the leader of pharmaceutical market of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The reason of submission a petition against this company became late delivery of supplies by this company. “Santo” informed on time the distributor about upcoming late delivery, taking simultaneously all possible measures to avoid deficit of these items on the market and regulating the situation in pre-trail order. But the explanations of the company, that the delivery schedule was related to the standard procedure of pharmaceutical control, the distributor ignored this fact and submitted a petition against the company.

The consequences can be catastrophic, the recognition of the company as an unreliable supplier could cause the halt of the enterprise, large scale streamlining of the staff of qualified personnel of the pharmaceutical company, the loss of multimillion investments, in the end the threat of medication security in the country.

The leadership of the company addressed to the National Chamber of entrepreneurs for assistance. NCE acted as a mediator in negotiations with “SK-Formatsia”, by forming the uniform stance on protection of all companies against which were initiated actions. It organized meetings at the highest level- with the first deputy of Prime Minister of RK, with the representative of the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development.

As a result the only distributor revoked all petitions, including ones against company “Santo”.

\A month ago the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of south-Kazakhstan region regulated one more problem, which arose at this pharmaceutical company. The gas company “KazTransGasAymak” threatened to stop supply to the pharmaceutical company, that could abrupt the production. As it turned out the reason for it became nonagreement of installation of one of boilers by the “Khimfarm”. Moreover, the pharmaceutical company had to pay the fine in the amount of 23 million tenge. The negotiation between the companies resulted in deadlock. After intervention of the experts of the Chamber was reached a decision that the gas supply won’t be interrupted, plus the fine was decreased from 23 million to 7, 8 million tenge. The pharmaceutical company managed to continue its operation.   

To understand how important is uninterrupted operation of the pharmaceutical company is and to understand its significance for the whole country, we will give some examples from the past.

The enterprise is one of the oldest pharmaceutical companies in the world. In 2017 it will celebrate its 135th anniversary. In 19th and 20th century thanks to the production of santonin, which was successfully exported to Japan India< Germany, England and other countries, the Shymkent plant became famous globally. In 1922 started the production of technical morphines. In the following years, the enterprise expanded its production, it began to manufacture more than 70 kinds of medicinal substances, acquiring a status the foundation of the raw material base for pharmaceutical enterprises of Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine and the Baltic states.

From 1993 the enterprise was transformed in JSC “Khimfarm”, thus, through acquisition of independence the enterprise started the production of ready medicinal drugs, that became the starting point in the creation of national pharmaceutical industry in the Republic.

With the appearance of an investor in Shymkent, SANTO received acess to modern technologies and investments, opening new opportunities for intensive growth in compliance with international quality standards. Today JSC “Khimfarm” (SANTO) implements the biggest investment program in the history of Kazakhstani pharmaceutical industry, the cost of which is 100 million US dollars.

Being a part of the group of companies “Polfarm”, the plant supplies and produces at the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan the ready pharmaceutical drugs.

JSC “Khimfarm” takes the leading place among Kazakhstani pharmaceutical companies. More than one third of the total volume of medicinal drugs purchased within SGBP are made and supplied by “Khimarm”.

The production capacity of JSC “Khimfarm” includes unique equipment of Italian, German, South-Korean and other international producers and corresponds to the global level of automation and integration of production processes. The production capacity of the enterprise allows it to produce 1,2 billion pills, capsules and granules, 300 million ampoules, 48 million flasks of antibiotics, 24 million flasks of syrups and 6 million flasks and bags of  infusion solutions daily. The company is the leader of the pharmaceutical market of Kazakhstan with the portfolio of more than 200 generic and original medicinal drugs in different spheres of therapy.

The Chairman of the Supervisory Council of the group “Polfarm” Ezhi Stark is the only member of the Council of foreign investors under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, presenting the pharmaceutical industry.

At the same time JSC "Khimpharm” is the largest employer in the pharmaceutical industry, which provides jobs for more than 1,100 citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The company also is the largest taxpayer in the pharmaceutical industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

JSC "Khimfarm" is a research laboratory, one of the best in Kazakhstan, the Department of quality, Central laboratory. This allows you with own forces to develop, to design and to develop new medicinal drugs. The company in the framework of the state program of industrialization launched the industrial complex for the production of parenteral solutions of large and small doses (plant for the production of preparations in ampoules and infusion bags). In 2016, the first line of a new plant for the production of powder antibiotics. In June 2016, the certificate of 1 line was confirmed according to GMP requirements. In September starts the second line of the new plant.


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